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Olives – the tree fruits an olive growing preferential in tropical regions of Europe in Australia, the Southern Asia, Africa.

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Olives are olives of high degree of a maturity, they differ in dark color and high content of oil.

Interesting the fact that only at us fruits of olive trees are called differently, and here for the rest of the world there are green and black olives.

Advantage of olives

Pulp of olives is rich in vitamins A, With, E, sugar, pectins, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids. The most valuable component of olives is oil which we know as olive. It contains valuable arachidic, stearin, olein, palmitic, linoleic also other acids.

Such useful properties of olives are interesting to medicine: decrease in level of cholesterol, prevention of a stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, other cardiovascular diseases.

Olives are also antioxidants therefore their regular consumption promotes prevention of manifestation of precursory symptoms of aging, development of cancer diseases.

Caloric content of olives tinned, namely in such look Russians use this product most often, makes 150 calories. Caloric content of olives fresh – 115 calories.

Medicinal properties of olives were recognized as official medicine – on the basis of the olive oil received from them produce drugs for treatment of diseases of a GIT, cholelithiasis, osteochondrosis, gout, female reproductive system, arthritis, for outside treatment of burns, wounds, cuts.

Leaves of an olive tree are used in traditional medicine. They contain essential oil, organic acids, glucoside.

Use of olives for improvement of an organism

The useful properties of olives stated above concerning prevention of many serious diseases are shown at the regular use of fruits in food. Of course, fresh olives it is much more useful tinned. If there is no opportunity to find fresh fruits, it is necessary to give preference to salty olives in which there are no vinegar and preservatives. It is considered that in that case the advantage of olives remains better.

It is noted that thanks to the high content of vitamin A, the use of olives serves as good prevention of problems with sight.

The vitamin E which is also found in olives promotes strengthening of hair. The advantage of olives for hair and skin is possible only at their constant use inside.

Let's provide several recipes of traditional medicine in which olives are used.

Such means can facilitate a condition of the patient with atherosclerosis: crush 200 гр. olives, put them in a thermos, fill in warmed up (60 °C) with vegetable oil, 48 hours insist. Drink infusion on a tablespoon three times a day before meal.

Tincture on fruits and leaves of an olive tree will help to remove hypostases. For preparation of medicine it is necessary to fill in a tablespoon of the crushed olives and a tablespoon of leaves with hot water (250 ml), to sustain 5-10 minutes on the water bath then to filter medicinal raw materials and to add up to 250 ml of warm water.

Drink infusion on a tablespoon three times a day in 20 minutes prior to meal.

From leaves of a tree it is also possible to prepare remedies. Water infusions on leaves help at supertension, have diuretic effect.

For preparation of means from supertension fill in a tablespoon of leaves of 250 ml of boiled water, hold on the water bath of 5 minutes, filter, part up to 250 ml with warm water. Take tincture on one or two tablespoons for half an hour to food 3-4 times a day.

Olive oil is considered one of the most valuable products of processing of fruits.

Oil of the first grade is used in scientific medicine – for preparation of ointments or in pure form for processing of injuries of skin.

Oils of the second and third grades are used more often in traditional medicine – recommend to accept them inside. Oil locks, abdominal pains treat – drink 50 ml 1-2 times a day.

The olive oil mixed with the warmed-up milk and warm water at intake helps at poisonings as promotes bystry removal of toxins.

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Fresh olives are contraindicated only at an allergy to them.

As it was already told, it is necessary to treat tinned olives carefully: the excipients which are applied at preservation at abuse of them can negatively affect skin, cause allergic reaction.

Olive oil is well acquired - it is the fact, but it is necessary to remember that its caloric content many times differs from the caloric content of olives, and makes 898 calories on 100 ml therefore it is necessary to use it moderately.

As olive oil possesses cholagogue action, it is undesirable to use it at cholecystitis.

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