Main > Human organs> Neck muscles

Neck muscles

As well as all body of the person, a neck are created by muscles. The neck is a peculiar mobile support for our head providing all its movements. The main muscles of a neck are: scalenes, a belt muscle of a neck, a belt muscle of the head, scapular and hypoglossal and грудино - clavicular and mastoidal muscles. The neck muscles located along its midline have the longitudinal direction of muscle fibers. And the slanting direction of fibers is characteristic of the muscles located on each side.

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Functions of muscles of a neck

Muscles of a neck play an important role. They not only support the head, provide all its movements, but also take active part in pronouncing sounds, in processes of breath and swallowing.

Spasm of muscles of a neck

As a result of long sedentary work, the wrong position of the head when walking the spasm of muscles of a neck quite often develops. Therefore people of some professions (drivers, accountants, programmers, etc.) are often hurt by neck muscles. At an overstrain of muscles there is their spasm. As a result of it blood vessels are squeezed. Leads disturbances of blood supply of muscles to development in them of a hypoxia, hypostasis and pain. The spasm of muscles of a neck causes not only pains in necks, but also headaches, disturbances of blood supply of a backbone, and is frequent also mental disorders.

Not to allow development of a spasm of muscles of a neck it is important to do during the working day small breaks during which it is necessary to carry out rather simple exercises for neck muscles – a ducking forward - back, here and there, rotary motions by the head. These exercises for muscles of a neck allow to remove from them an excess static stress, improve their blood supply.

If the spasm of muscles of a neck after all developed iprivet to emergence of a painful attack, then it is not necessary at once to begin to drink the anesthetizing drugs. In many cases it is rather simple to lie down, make small walk, to take a warm shower or a bath or to make massage. Massage allows not only to eliminate manifestations of a spasm, but also promotes strengthening of muscles of a neck.

Neck muscles hurt: reasons

As show data of medical statistics, periodically muscles of a neck hurt every third person. The reasons of these pains can be various. The spasm of muscles of a neck is most often observed, but there can be also other reasons leading to neck muscle pains:

  • Cervical radiculitis – results from an inflammation of the nervous roots departing from a spinal cord. Pains in this case rather sharp, burning. Quite often they give to a shovel, a hand and are followed by paresthesias (disturbances of skin sensitivity). For prevention of repeated attacks of radiculitis it is necessary to pay huge attention to strengthening of muscles of a neck, formation of "a muscular corset" which will remove excessive loading from cervical department of a backbone and will prevent infringement of nervous roots further;
  • Neck muscle strain. This injury quite often arises at persons who begin to carry out exercises for neck muscles without the corresponding warm-up. The muscle strain of a neck can also arise in cases of sharp turns of the head;
  • Miozita – an inflammation of muscles of a neck. Are characterized by a long current. The miositis is shown by the aching pain. At a palpation (palpation) of the affected muscle its small thickening and morbidity is defined.

In certain cases pains in muscles of a neck are observed also at some other diseases: Bekhterev's disease, rheumatic polimialgiya, coronary heart disease. Therefore if you are often hurt by a neck, then it is necessary to see surely a doctor who will conduct necessary researches, will make the correct diagnosis and will appoint the corresponding treatment.

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