Main > Diseases> Narcolepsy


The narcolepsy is an unusual, mysterious condition of a human body of which sudden attacks of drowsiness are characteristic. Women Нарколепсия — внезапные приступы сонливостиhave this disease much less often than men (the relation 1:6). Attacks of drowsiness can lead to sudden backfilling and to instant loss of a tone of muscles. At a narcolepsy of people has feeling of fatigue and constant drowsiness which remain at any duration of a dream. Not recognizable and uncontrollable narcolepsy can negatively affect quality of human life extremely. Recent achievements in pharmacology, medicine and technologies helped doctors to diagnose and treat this disease. At the corresponding treatment patients with this disease lead almost normal life.

Narcolepsy reasons

Tochnayaprichina of a narcolepsy is still not found out, however there are assumptions that this disease develops as a result of defeat of the part of a brain controlling process of wakefulness and a dream. Psychological and psychiatric problems are not the reason of a narcolepsy. This disease can be shown after heavy overfatigue, the experienced strong emotions or an injury of a skull, after the postponed infectious diseases. Development of a narcolepsy is connected sometimes with genetic predisposition, dysfunctions of hemadens. Sometimes sudden attacks of drowsiness appear only during pregnancy.

Scientists conducted a number of researches and came to a conclusion that the narcolepsy develops at reduction of quantity of cells in regulatory areas of a brain. Some scientists believe that development of a narcolepsy is connected with the gene responsible for synthesis of the hypocretin - brain chemical. At a narcolepsy the level of the hypocretin is considerably reduced. The combination of factors of private life to gene disturbances can lead to a course of a disease. Later there were works which showed communication of a disease with certain disturbances of immune system.

Narcolepsy symptoms

Excess drowsiness is considered the most disturbing symptom of a narcolepsy. Backfillings at this disease usually repeat several times a day. Before sudden backfilling the speech is gradually slowed down, and then the head falls and consciousness is switched off. The short period of a dream is replaced by the short period of inflow of forces and cheerfulness. The narcolepsy develops against the background of chronic fatigue, the obscured consciousness, decrease in concentration of attention, disturbance of memory, doubling in eyes, headaches, involuntary muscular twitchings. The familiar movements are carried out automatically, without understanding of the events.

The narcolepsy can be followed by sudden muscular weakness (katalepsy), hallucinations or paralysis of a dream. The katalepsy attack usually precedes sudden backfilling. At hallucinations the patient in reality sees unusual visions, hears strange sounds. This symptom of a narcolepsy can be followed by alarming states.

Approach of an obezdvizhennost is characteristic of paralysis of a dream during backfilling or awakening at the kept consciousness. Usually symptoms of paralysis disappear at a touch to the patient. Symptoms of a narcolepsy can appear at once or develop gradually for many years.

Diagnosis and treatment of a narcolepsy

At a narcolepsy Прохождение теста полисомнографии при нарколепсииon reception the attending physician estimates the patient's condition for an exception of other diseases.

In somnologichesky laboratory the specialist studies a case history of the patient and conducts comprehensive physical examination. Two important tests – a polisomnografiya and the test of a mnozhestvennoylatention to a dream (MSLT test) are most often carried out.

For passing of the test of a polisomnografiya the patient stays overnight in the individual room. Small electrodes are attached to skin by means of jellylike sticky substance. Electrodes register muscular activity, a cordial rhythm, the movements of eyes and a wave of a brain of the patient. This test allows to define existence of other frustration which can cause the symptoms which are available for the patient.

The MSLT test is carried out next day. To the patient suggest to fall asleep with electrodes within twenty minutes during 4-5 attempts with intervals at two-three o'clock.

Two tests help to define whether the patient's symptoms by a narcolepsy or other disease with the same signs are caused.

Now the narcolepsy will not respond to treatment. Its symptoms can be controlled or facilitated that the patients having this disease experienced its manifestations less often and could adhere to quite normal way of life.

Narcolepsy treatment planning usually consists their several components – prescriptions of medicines, behavioural therapy and the organization of certain actions. The medicines appointed by the doctor will help to control hallucinations, a katalepsy, excess drowsiness and other sleep disorders.

For effective treatment of a narcolepsy it is very important to observe the regular mode of a wakefulness/dream. It is necessary to go to bed and wake up every day at the same time. You should not neglect also short-term regular episodes of a day dream.

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