The neutropenia is a disease which is characterized by the lowered maintenance of neutrophils in blood.
Neutrophils are blood cells, their maturing happens in marrow within two weeks. After receipt in the blood circulatory system search for neutrophils and alien agents destroy. In other words, neutrophils are a peculiar army of protection of an organism against bacteria. Lowering of the level of these protective cells leads to the raised susceptibility to different infectious diseases.
The neutropenia at children is more senior than year and adults is characterized by reduction of level of neutrophils lower than 1500 on 1 мкл. The neutropenia at children about one year is characterized by reduction of level of neutrophils lower than 1000 in 1 мкл blood.
Children of the first year of life most often are ill a chronic high-quality neutropenia. Recurrence is characteristic of this disease, that is the level of neutrophils fluctuates in a different span: falls to very low mark, rises to necessary level. The chronic high-quality neutropenia passes in itself by 2-3 years.
Disease origins – are rather various. Carry various viral and bacterial infections, a negative impact on an organism of some medicines to them, aplastic anemia, a serious inflammatory illness, action of chemotherapy.
In some cases it is not possible to establish the neutropenia reason, that is the disease develops as independent pathology.
Distinguish three degrees of a disease:
- easy degree is characterized by existence more than 1000 neutrophils on one mkl;
- average degree assumes existence in blood from 500 to 1000 neutrophils on one mkl of blood;
- heavy degree is characterized by existence in blood less than 500 neutrophils on one mkl.
Also the disease can have the acute and chronic form. The acute form is characterized by bystry development of a disease, the chronic form can proceed for several years.
Symptoms of a disease depend on display of an infection or a disease which develops against the background of a neutropenia. The neutropenia form, its duration and the reason for which it arose exerts a certain impact on weight of course of an infection.
If the immune system is surprised, then the organism is exposed to the attack of various viruses and bacteria. In this case mucous membrane ulcers, the increased body temperature, pneumonia will be symptoms of a neutropenia. In the absence of the correct treatment development of toxic shock is possible.
The chronic form has more favorable forecast.
At decrease in level of neutrophils lower than 500 on 1 мкл blood quite dangerous form of a disease which is called a febrile neutropenia develops. It is characterized by the expressed weakness, perspiration, sharp temperature increase above 38C, a tremor, disturbance of normal cardiac performance. It is quite difficult to diagnose such state as similar symptoms are observed at development of pneumonia or bacterial blood poisoning.
Treatment of a disease depends on the reason for which it arose. Therefore treat an infection which led to development of a neutropenia. Depending on weight and a form of a disease, the doctor makes the decision on treatment of a neutropenia in a hospital or in house conditions. Focus on strengthening of immune system.
From medicines apply antibiotics, vitamins, medical supplies to immunity strengthening. At very severe form of the patient place in the isolated room where maintain sterility and carry out ultra-violet radiation.
The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.
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