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One-day starvation

Однодневное голодание - эффективный способ леченияStarvation during a long span (several days) can be difficult and action even hazardous to health. And here one-day starvation is the only natural way of treatment or relief of symptoms practically of any disease.

In east countries, such as India and the Middle East, one-day starvation practices constantly and is vital norm. It is a powerful, effective, bystry and free way of treatment.

One-day starvation is ideal both for beginners, and for more experienced people. It will be for the first time difficult to beginners to sustain the whole day without food and if dry starvation, then also without water is observed, however all subsequent times will be given much easier.

Important note: daily starvation is not recommended at pregnancy, to children up to 12 years and if necessary to take medicine.

Daily starvation once a week gives the chance to an organism to be cleared and have a rest.

Often 1 day of starvation is followed by headaches, dizziness, discomfort and other symptoms of cancellation, especially at beginners, but all this a part of cleaning process in an organism: excess fat or weight will be burned, also as well as chemicals and other poisons which will be removed from an organism. Only sick or worn-out fabrics will be destroyed during starvation, the organism is not so silly to destroy own healthy fabrics.

Action of one-day starvation

One-time one-day starvation will not be able to cure an organism of old diseases and to completely recover it, but if to observe starvation periodically – certainly, the advantage will be obvious. The frequent or repeating starvation, for example, starvation every other day will be much more effective.

One of the modes of work of starvation every other day – reduction or narrowing of fabrics and arteries that allows to be cleared of the vessels which got stuck in walls and fabrics of toxins. Besides, during starvation blood which is purified of the toxins that can cause dizzinesses which will pass as soon as the condition of blood is normalized is liquefied.

One-day starvation will teach an organism to self-government and discipline. It very much will help to get rid of bad habits or dependences which ruin health of an organism, and will help to get new and positive habits.

Starvation once in 7 days not such big victim, especially if to consider the reward earned in the form of health of an organism.

It is necessary to begin one-day starvation in the evening, right after the last easy meal. By then, as the organism will wake up, a half of term of starvation will be already ended. It is better to prolong starvation term till 36 o'clock, but it only for those who have experience in this question.

Exit from one-day starvation very simple – after 24 hours after the beginning it is possible to use water or divorced lemon juice with honey, and for all first day of an exit it is better to eat fruit, nuts, vegetables and the fat-free dairy products.Голодание экадаши - это регулярное однодневное голодание 2 раза в месяц

Starvation of an ekadasha

Starvation of an ekadasha – the regular daily abstention from food and water observed twice a month for 11 and 26 lunar days, that is for the 11th day after a new moon and a full moon which in the east are called days of an ekadasha.

Starvation of an ekadasha promotes clarification of a physical, mental and spiritual body of the person. According to ayurvedist, days of an ekadasha receive such force thanks to the fact that 11 and 26 lunar days are days when the attraction between Earth and the Moon becomes stronger, than usually that, in turn, influences inflows and otliva in reservoirs, and similar structures in a human body (blood, a lymph). This influence breaks balance of hormones and liquids of a body of the person that leads to pathologies and a mental imbalance and tension. If in such days to eat heavy and greasy food, it will be difficult to organism to digest it, and it will spend all the forces for this process. And if in such days to give the chance to intestines to have a rest a little and to starve completely, then the body instead of digesting food, will be engaged in self-cleaning from toxins that will well affect health of an organism in general.

1 day of starvation of an ekadasha implies ideally full refusal of food and water that helps not only to get healthier physically, but also to clear a bad karma and to soften negative effects of the carried-out sins.

On the eve of starvation of an ekadasha it is better not to eat heavy products as it will result in thirst next day. Daily starvation with the sunrise begins, and comes to an end with sunrise of the next day. An exit from daily starvation has to be correct, and, exactly, it is necessary to begin the next morning with a glass of water with lemon juice and salt, and in about 10 minutes it is possible to use any fruit, and in 10 minutes to eat yogurt.

If it is heavy to person to sustain 1 day of starvation of an ekadasha, then it is possible to eat this day a few fresh fruit, vegetables, juice, nuts, dried fruits, water and dairy products.

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