Main > Food stuffs> Cucumber


The cucumber for its beautiful green color is quite often called "an emerald vegetable". Actually it represents false berry of the herbaceous plant relating to family of pumpkin. Fruits of a cucumber are eaten in an immature look.


The homeland of this culture is precisely unknown. Most of botanists inclines that originally cucumbers grew in India, then were delivered to China, and already from there extended worldwide. Now they are grown up everywhere.

Advantage of cucumbers

Many people mistakenly believe that the cucumber is tasty, but from the point of view of healthy food a useless product. Actually it far not so. Yes, fresh cucumbers contain not really many vitamins, but in them there are a lot of other biologically active agents thanks to which the cucumber can be carried to the category of dietary products safely.

Cucumber caloric content very low also makes only 13,5 kcal on 100,0 g of "emerald vegetable". Therefore cucumbers without any fears can be eaten by people, even keeping to very rigid diet.

Low caloric content of cucumbers does this product especially useful in dietary food of the persons having obesity. Especially as cucumbers create sense of fulness, regulate appetite and improve digestion processes.

Structure of a cucumber:

  • Less than 0,5% of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
  • Not only I am eager to satisfy 98,5% of the water helping, but also clearing an organism of toxic substances;
  • Small amount of vitamins C, PP, E and group B;
  • 1% of the cellulose contributing to normalization of work of intestines.

Besides cucumbers contain a large amount of iodine and potassium which are easily acquired by a human body. Therefore advantage of cucumbers for the people having diseases of kidneys, a thyroid gland and cardiovascular system it is difficult to revaluate. Besides cucumbers are a source of various mineral substances – molybdenum, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine, chrome, cobalt, aluminum, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron and sodium. These macro - and microelements take active part in various exchange processes proceeding in a human body.

Useful properties of a cucumber

For a long time a fact in evidence that cucumbers promote the best digestion of proteinaceous food and therefore surely it is necessary to combine them with meat and fish dishes. Possess cholagogue, laxative and diuretic action. These properties of cucumbers do them useful in dietary food of the people having diseases of kidneys, cardiovascular system and digestive tract. Their regular use in food promotes elimination of locks and hypostases. The cellulose which is contained in cucumbers not only normalizes activity of intestines, but also promotes removal of excess of harmful cholesterol from it.

One of the most unique properties of a cucumber can call its ability to neutralize the acid connections leading to a senilism of an organism and development of the deforming osteoarthroses.

Салат с огурцом

The advantage of a cucumber for health of hair and skin is known to all for a long time and well. Masks from a fresh cucumber perfectly cope with the increased fat content of integuments, fight against inflammations and acne rash, delete a nevus pigmentosus and freckles.

It is necessary to remember that all listed useful properties only fresh cucumbers, but as not marinated or salty have.

Harmful properties of cucumbers

Cucumbers are capable to increase secretion of a gastric juice. Therefore they cannot be included in dietary food at a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, gastritises with a hyperoxemia and a reflux esophagitis. The feeding mothers have to remember that fresh cucumbers have laxative effect. If at the child tendency to locks is noted, then inclusion of this vegetable in a diet of mother is justified. In other cases it is better for the feeding mothers to refuse the use of cucumbers.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.