Main > Food stuffs> Perch


Perch – predatory fish with the widest area of dwelling. Individuals of this look meet both in fresh water, and in sea. The perch is found in the rivers in the territory of the central Siberia, Northern Asia, and also in Ukraine and the countries of Europe. For life of fish choose places with a weak current, living in seaweed where it is possible to hide before attack on the victim. The perch is unpretentious in food and is content with any small living creatures: from insects and worms to tadpoles and small small fishes.

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The grouper is widespread in waters of the Atlantic Ocean and a northern part Silent. Prefers to lodge at a considerable depth – to 500 m, in other cases it is possible to meet individuals of this look and at a depth exceeding 900 m. This species of a perch differs in existence of acute fins which prick is dangerous and can cause an inflammation. The sizes of fish vary ranging from 20 cm to 1 meter. Weight seldom exceeds 15 kg. Externally sea and river perches are similar except for small details.

Meat of a perch is appreciated pleasant taste and almost total absence of bones. Nevertheless, many fans of this fish quite often refuse to themselves pleasure to regale on her in connection with difficulties in removal of scales and prickly fins. It is not difficult to solve this problem, however, at all: there is enough, having cut off fins the scissors which are specially intended for this purpose to lower fish in the boiling water for a short time.

The perch is simple in preparation and is beautiful in any kind. Admirers of fish for certain will pick up the way, a perch salt, dry, cook, bake, smoke and fry. At last, from fish fine canned food turns out. In Finland fillets of a perch use as a basis for pie, and in Karelia from fish cook the saturated soup called напарокко.

Nutrition value, structure and caloric content of a perch

Meat of a perch contains a little fat – about 3,3 g on 100 g of fillet. The mass of saturated fatty acids makes 0,7 g of them, and unsaturated fatty acids omega-3-about 1,7 g. Content of proteins reaches 18,2 g on 100 g of a product. Carbohydrates are absent at all.

The perch and the content of vitamins is rich. One fish contains the whole complex of useful substances: these are vitamins D, A, C, E, B1, B12, B5, B9, B6, PP. At the same time PP vitamin – about 4,8 mg has the greatest concentration. Also fillet of a perch extremely richly mineral substances among which there is a potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, chlorine, cobalt, manganese, iodine, zinc, chrome, nickel, molybdenum, copper. Most of all contains in fish potassium – about 300 mg.

Caloric content of a perch hardly reaches 103 Kcal on 100 g that allows to refer fish to category of low-calorie.

Advantage of a perch

Low caloric content of a perch and small content of fat in fish – the reasons for which it is often applied as one of main courses in dietary food. In combination with the extensive list of vitamins and mineral substances this small fish becomes the welcome guest on a table of those who are forced to limit the diet.

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The B12 vitamin which is a part of a perch well influences synthesis of DNA and a myelin in an organism that positively affects work of a brain. Besides, vitamin is fine antioxidant, takes part in a lipometabolism, and also is useful at an acute and chronic hypoxia.

The advantage of a perch, as well as any fish is widely known, to almost each woman. Regularly using this useful gift of the sea, it is possible to keep beauty and youth of skin for many years. Besides, the advantage of a small fish is invaluable to mucous membranes of an organism, regulation of level of sugar in blood and maintenance of the correct functioning of a thyroid gland.

It is also important to note that the advantage of a perch does not depend on in what water, salty or fresh, fish lived. Both look are equally useful and saturated vitamins and minerals.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.