Main > Diseases> Orange kcal

Orange kcal

Orange the kcal is a clinical symptom of a certain disease of internals, inflammatory process or disturbance in functioning of digestive organs.

Reasons orange calla

Orange the kcal, generally represents a symptom of the internal disease demanding immediate treatment. But, in certain cases, orange color a calla can be caused by the use of products with a large number of a keratin, polyvitamins and medicines. Color of a chair is normalized within 2-3 days.

Pathological discolorations a calla are often connected with diseases of a pancreas, liver, kidneys and with disturbances of a zhelchevydeleniye. Orange the kcal at the child demonstrates the maintenance of a large number of bilious pigments which is connected with disturbance of metabolic processes. A saturation of color the calla shows a stage of development of a disease or pathological process.

Оранжевый кал у грудного ребенка может быть следствием неправильного усвоения грудного молокаOften orange the kcal at the child at chest age can be result of malassimilation of breast milk. Also the kcal can have an unpleasant acid smell and to be painted in yellow, orange and brown color at the use of artificial mixes (reaction to bilirubin is shown).

If a calla problems with biliary tract are the reason of orange color, then pathological process is a consequence of surplus of production of bile.

It should be noted that orange color the calla at the child and the adult patient can be a consequence of an infection and intoxication of an organism. In that case, the increased body temperature, a fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting is observed. In the absence of appropriate treatment poisoning leads to organism dehydration.

Intestinal failures and disturbances of digestion of food can cause pathological discolorations a calla, but usually they have short-term character.

Types of diseases at orange color a calla

If orange color a calla is connected with the use of a large number of fruit and vegetables with the maintenance of keratins, and also nutritional supplements and medicines (Rifampinum, etc.), then after the termination of their reception color of a chair is normalized. In other cases, orange color the calla is display of various diseases to which it is possible to carry:

  • hepatitis and other diseases of a liver;
  • cystitis;
  • disturbances of urinary processes;
  • bile outflow disturbances;
  • diseases of lungs;
  • peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the alimentary system;
  • stones in a gall bladder;
  • hormonal disturbances.

Treatment in the presence of orange a calla

Оранжевый цвет кала может быть вызван употреблением продуктов с большим количеством кератинаFor treatment of the diseases which caused orange color a calla it is necessary to conduct full diagnostic examination, to define a stage of a current and existence of complications. If the disease has infectious character, then immediate hospitalization is required. For recovery after poisoning appoint correction of a water balance and recovery of intestinal microflora.

In the presence of orange a calla the doctor appoints a special research a calla which is directed to identification of uniform elements in it. Leukocytes and erythrocytes in Calais demonstrate inflammatory process in intestines, and also with their help it is possible to define existence of purulent process.

At detection of stones in a gall bladder appoint an operative measure for their removal. If in orange Calais the infection is revealed, then appoint the medicamentous therapy including antibacterial, antiinflammatory and fortifying drugs. The course of strong antibiotics is necessary in the presence of heavy infectious processes.

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