Main > Diseases> Osteoma


Osteoma – the high-quality delimited bone new growth proceeding from a bone and consisting of a bone tissue is long and the hemispheres which are slowly growing and having an appearance. Earlier the concept an osteoma irrespective of an origin joined all bone educations (traumatic, blastomatous, inflammatory and neuropathic), however now at all difficulty of differentiation of a tumor from hyperplastic education in medicine above-mentioned growths more an osteoma do not carry to a concept.

Остеома расположена над поверхностью лобной костиThe tumor is formed on bones of a skeleton and often meets on femoral, key, temporal and frontal bones, and also in cavities and an orbit of facial bones. The osteoma of a frontal bone and a wedge-shaped bone often comes from the embryonal cartilaginous rests.

The osteoma which is located over the surface of a bone is called an exostosis, and concluded in spongy substance – enostozy.

Usually tumors meet single (solitary), however also multiple exostoses which represent general diseases meet and belong to ecchondromas. Seldom or never the osteoblastoma proceeding from osteoblasts which costs on border between high-quality new growths and sarcomas (malignancies) meets.

Osteoma reasons

In certain cases, especially at multiple exostoses, the osteoma appears owing to genetic predisposition as with probability the disease is transmitted to 50% to lineal descendants. Are also origins of an osteoma:

Inborn exostoses;

  • Injuries;
  • Syphilis;
  • Gout;
  • Rheumatism.

Classification of an osteoma

The osteoma of a bone is divided in the order of a structure into the following types:

Firm which consists of the dense compact substance reminding ivory. This substance does not contain marrow and almost completely does not incorporate Gaversovy channels;

Spongy which consists of porous spongy substance;

Mozgovidny which consists of big wide marrowy cavities.

On genesis of an osteoma also divide into epiphyseal and periosteal exostoses.

Osteoma structure

The osteoma of a bone contains bone plates with the bone little bodies lying among them. These plates are around Gaversovy channels and marrowy space. Depending on above-mentioned types of a tumor the number of Gaversovy channels and size of marrowy space fluctuate. The bone tissue which is a part of an osteoma of a frontal bone often consists of the cartilaginous islands put in a subcortical layer or spongy substance.

Osteoma symptoms

Остеома диагностируется, основываясь на клинико-рентгенологических исследованияхOften the osteoma develops asymptomatically, and painful feelings appear only when the tumor is an obstacle for the movement of a bone or presses on a nerve. At a tumor arrangement on an upper table of the scull there can be headaches, epileptic seizures and problems with memory. If the osteoma is located in nasal bosoms, then there is a deterioration in sight, and at localization of a tumor around a wedge-shaped bone of a skull disturbance of a hormonal background is observed.

Treatment of an osteoma

Originally, based on results of clinicoradiological data, the diagnosis of an osteoma then treatment is appointed is made.

Treatment of an osteoma consists in a radical oncotomy. An operative measure is shown at dysfunctions of bodies, severe pains, a growth inhibition and changes of a shape of bones which result in limitation of mobility and disturbance of a statics of extremities. During operation the surgeon deletes a tumor then carries out a resection of the subject plate of a healthy bone. If the course of a disease is not followed by symptoms and a tumor of the small sizes, then is considered it expedient to conduct dynamic observation.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.