Main > Diseases> Fluid lungs

Fluid lungs

Short characteristic of a disease

Отек легкихFluid lungs – heavy, in many cases the deadly complication of a number of cardiovascular diseases connected with sweating of serous and hemorrhagic liquid in alveoluses of lungs.

There is a membranogenny, hydrostatic fluid lungs which differ on the origin.

Depending on the disease which led to hypostasis it is possible to allocate a cardial and toxic fluid lungs.

Emergence reasons

The main reasons for a fluid lungs – stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation or toxic destruction of vessels of lungs. Often hypostasis arises at the same diseases, as bronchial asthma: the cardiosclerosis is atherosclerotic, heart disease, a myocardial infarction, a hypertension (cardial hypostasis). In these cases hypostasis represents the most severe form of cardiac asthma.

The reason of a fluid lungs toxic – a poisoning with barbiturates, alcohol, poisons, nitric oxides, carbonyls of metals, arsenic, and also a burn, a diabetic or hepatic coma, uraemia.

The reason of a fluid lungs membranogenny – primary increase in permeability of pulmonary capillaries arising at various diseases.

The reason of a fluid lungs hydrostatic – increase in intra capillary hydrostatic capillary pressure of blood to, causing an exit of a liquid part of blood in excess quantity who cannot be brought in lymphatic ways.

Fluid lungs symptoms, diagnosis

In view of the fact that the attack develops quickly, its diagnosing happens at a survey stage, on the basis of the observed symptoms. It is important to understand quickly a situation, to give acute management at a fluid lungs, to begin therapy in order to avoid repeated attacks, otherwise the person can die within several minutes of suffocation.

The disease suddenly, develops at night when the patient sleeps or in the afternoon when he experiences nervousness or makes physical effort. Often initial symptoms of a fluid lungs are expressed in a frequent tussiculation, increase in lungs of wet rattles, discoloration of the person. The patient feels severe suffocation, the pressing pain, constraint in breasts, its breath sharply becomes frequent and even at distance is heard the bubbling rattles. Everything the becoming frequent cough is followed by plentiful allocation of a foamy pink or light phlegm. If the state very heavy, foam can go also from a nose. The complicated breath and an exhalation, swelling of cervical veins, a cold clammy sweat, cyanosis of skin are added to these symptoms.

As the attack develops, when listening lungs wet mixed rattles over various sites of lungs are defined, breath in these sites or is weakened, or at all is absent. If during an attack their expanded roots, focal large shadows with indistinct contours are to conduct X-ray inspection characteristic symptoms of a fluid lungs (at the same time transparency of pulmonary fields is lowered).

Also sharp increase of pulse is noted, it is frequent to 140-160 уд / minute, sudden bradycardia is sometimes observed.

Level of arterial pressure is not an important symptom of a fluid lungs – it depends on initial level (to an attack) and can be a miscellaneous.

Usual symptoms of hypostasis of a toxic origin are supplemented with signs of a basic disease or destructive process: burn disease, coma, injury of upper airways, etc.

Treatment of a fluid lungs

Very important before performing full therapy to give acute management at a fluid lungs:

  • to watch that the person who has an attack was in a semi-sitting or sitting position.
  • From upper respiratory tracts to suck away slime.
  • If supertension to carry out bloodletting: adult 200-300ml, to children 100-200ml.
  • To carry out by vapors of alcohol inhalation. For children use 30% alcohol, for adults – 70%.
  • To impose a plait on legs for half an hour or hour.
  • To enter 2 ml of solution of camphor of 20% under skin.
  • To carry out an oxygenotherapy (administration of oxygen to oxygen respiratory tracts by means of an oxygen cushion).

Лазикс назначают в стационарных условиях неотложной помощи при отеке легких In stationary conditions acute management at a fluid lungs consists in administration of cardiac glycosides, performing bloodletting if before it did not carry out (with the lowered pressure, a collapse, a heart attack bloodletting is contraindicated), continuation of an oxygenotherapy, introduction of Lasixum or Novuritum.

After carrying out acute management and stabilization of a condition of the partner, carry out treatment of a fluid lungs which has to be directed to reduction of action or full elimination of the reasons of an attack. Having reduced inflow of blood to lungs (bloodletting, plaits, diuretics), appoint the drugs facilitating cardiac performance, reducing peripheric vascular resistance, improving process of exchange in a myocardium.

Also in the course of treatment of a fluid lungs hold a number of the events directed to consolidation of capillary alveolar membranes, constant supply of oxygen. It is important to improve an emotional condition of the patient, to bring him out of a stress which often and provokes an attack. For this purpose as treatment of a fluid lungs successfully use soothing drugs. Except the cumulative calming effect these means reduce vascular spasms, inflow of blood to lungs, facilitate cardiac performance, reduce an asthma, penetration of liquid of fabrics through a capillary alveolar membrane, reduce intensity of processes of exchange (that allows to transfer easier a lack of oxygen).

Frequent such sedative which long ago is successfully applied in treatment of a fluid lungs is morphine. Its 1% enter solution intravenously in volume 1-1,5ml. In certain cases it allows to eliminate hypostasis completely.

Prevention of a disease

The prevention of an attack consists in timely treatment of states and diseases which can provoke an attack, in observance of safety rules on productions with use of harmful toxics.

Whether you know that:

During sneezing our organism completely stops working. Even heart stops.