
Oats are the annual crop relating to family of cereals. Curative properties of oats apply in traditional medicine, in homeopathy, doing of it broths and infusions. Most often for treatment use oats ordinary. The plant and official medicine is recognized, from it produce spirit tincture which is appointed as sedative.


Useful properties of oats

Oats are applied to treatment because it has fortifying property, helps at intellectual, physical overfatigue, serves as good prevention of a thrombogenesis, starts a metabolism, stimulates cardiovascular activity and immunity, improves digestion.

Also sudorific and diuretic properties of oats are known, apply it at sleeplessness and a neurasthenia, atherosclerosis, jaundice, a zhelchekamenny disease, tuberculosis and other diseases of lungs, short wind, bronchitis.

Treatment oats is appointed at gastrointestinal diseases – it envelops and does not irritate mucous stomach intestines therefore it is recommended at an intestinal atony, ulcers, pancreatitis, a meteorism, gastritis, colitis. The broth prepared from oatmeal helps at diarrhea and other digestive disturbances.

The porridge from oats filled with oil has easy laxative effect, improves a peristaltics and is extremely useful to a large intestine. Oats decoction is given to children at diarrhea for strengthening of an organism.

Outwardly oats are applied to treatment of face skin, a body and the head: accept it inside and do masks.

Oats decoction unripe and from its green stalks has antiinflammatory effect and therefore it is accepted at inflammations of joints of rheumatic character.

For weight loss oats are effective that it recovers lipidic exchange, remove toxins. Oats caloric content – 300 calories.

Treatment by oats: recipes

At the sleeplessness, hypostases caused by diseases of kidneys, bed wetting, intellectual overfatigue, gastrointestinal diseases prepare such oats decoction: two glasses of grains, crude from a peel, wash out, fill in 1000-1500 ml of the boiling water or milk, boil two minutes on weak fire, after half an hour insist, filter, wring out oats. Drink broth three р / day before food (in 40 min.), for two months. It is possible to repeat such treatment by oats in a month and to conduct several such courses.

For those who leave off smoking, have diabetes, it is recommended to drink such broth: 100 g of the purified oat grains soak 4 hours in water with baking soda, boil no more than an hour on weak fire. Drink broth three р / day in 30 min. to food.

Such broth helps to cure dry cough: 100 g of oats and one average sizes cook a bulb in water liter. Drink means on a tablespoon 4-5 р / day.

At cough of asthmatic character such infusion helps: oat grains crush, fill in with boiled water, in the warm place maintain and drink ½ glasses 3-4 р / day.

As it was already noticed, ready spirit tincture on oats is known as good sedative, but it can be prepared independently: oats grains in the ratio 1:10 fill in with vodka or wine alcohol.

Oats can be applied to weight loss as a monodiet product. For 7-10 days it is possible to eat only porridge from oats. It is possible to train her or having welded on water, or having troubled boiled water and having drawn not less than 12 h. If it is heavy to sustain such mode, it is possible to cook sometimes porridge on milk or to add to it dried fruits. The diet allows to dump up to five kilograms in a week. It is noticed that after such course of weight loss skin and work of intestines improves, slags and cholesterol are removed.

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Oats for weight loss can be used not only keeping to a diet. It helps to be cleared, and at the same time and to lose weight such recipe: oats in quantity about one half-liter can are well washed out (not less than two, three times in warm water), filled up in the enameled ware, filled in with 3 liters of water. The pan is put on strong fire, densely closed. After water will begin to boil, fire needs to be reduced and to boil so oats about 3 hours. After such cooking all oat grains have to reveal if it did not happen, it is possible to boil thoroughly them even minutes 5-7. When grains reveal, remove a pan, allow broth to cool down, pour in pure capacity, and the remained grains turn via the meat grinder, wring out, and add the received liquid to capacity with the main broth. Besides it is necessary to add liter of the pure prokipyachenny cooled-down water to the received broth and to put capacity with broth in the refrigerator.

Drink such oats decoction for day small drinks in any quantity, but it is necessary to consider that the prepared broth has to be enough for two days. It is desirable to drink broth warm therefore before the use it is heated on the water bath. The course of such cleaning treatment by oats lasts about three months. Urine for 2-3 day can become red, it is normal reaction which will take place in several days. For 8-10 day, judging by responses, it is already visible how show detoksikatsionny properties of oats and there are slags.


With caution have to take remedies from oats those who have a cardiovascular, renal failure, a stomach hyperoxemia, diseases of a gall bladder, liver, hypersensitivity to oats.

Exceeding of optimum dosages of remedies from oats can cause severe headaches.

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