Main > Diseases> Ischium change

Ischium change

Anatomically the ischium is placed in a back and lower part of an acetabular hollow, consists of a body and branches. The branch departing from her body has a thickening – a sciatic hillock, and the lower part is spliced with the lower branch of a pubic bone. Strong reductions of muscles owing to not coordinated gusty movements, and also can lead falling on sciatic hillocks to ischium changes.

Ischium change: treatment and diagnosis

Переломы седалищных костей развиваются вследствие падения на ягодицы либо сдавливания тазаWhen falling such types of changes of an ischium as changes of sciatic hillocks, unilateral and bilateral vertical changes of a basin are most extended to sciatic hillocks. As a result strong reductions of muscles rather often there are ischium changes in the form of avulsion fractures of ileal bones of a hillock.

Changes of an ischium represent rather severe injuries of a musculoskeletal system of the person, and their frequency makes about 10% of all traumatologic damages.

If the isolated ischium change takes place, then the forecast of a course of such damage is favorable, and the risk of complications is minimum. Such changes arise generally owing to direct traumatizing.

The closed changes of an ischium can be both single, and multiple. If the change single, then is most often injured the front half ring in the form of a butterfly formed by ischiums.

Extremely often changes of ischiums develop owing to falling on buttocks or squeezings of a basin. Patients complain of pains in the field of falling which amplify at the movement of the lower extremities, in particular when bending a shin.

Correct collecting all details of the anamnesis of an injury, especially poses is important for adequate diagnosis of changes of ischiums when falling. Survey of the patient is also necessary. Patients not always are in consciousness owing to painful shock, and such external manifestations as hematomas in places of changes, quite often develop several hours later after an injury. Method of objective diagnosis of changes of ischiums is the X-ray analysis.

Treatment of changes of ischiums without fail includes the anesthetizing therapy. The most comfortable for patients is the dorsal decubitus in a pose of "frog": legs are bent in hip and knee joints, hips turn knaruzh, knees get divorced, and feet are closed. For the purpose of its providing both specialized orthopedic beds, and the usual beds equipped with special rollers can be used. Such rollers enclose to patients in the field of hip and knee joints.

Major importance in treatment is allocated for observance of a bed rest which duration makes not less than 4 weeks. At the same time recovery of functions of an affected extremity is possible after 7 weeks. Further rehabilitation in the form of physical therapy and physiotherapy exercises is recommended.

Effects of changes of an ischium

В области перелома седалищной кости может отмечаться повреждение сосудов, мышц, нервов и сухожилийAt multiple fractures of ischiums development of various complications, and also an internal injury of patients – a bladder and an urethra, intestines, internal generative organs is possible. Quite often there can be most severe traumatic bleedings. Such changes arise at car accidents, building collapses, earthquakes.

The posttraumatic infection and even sepsis, delay of accretion of bones, and also the wrong accretion or nonunion can become effects of changes of ischiums.

Also in the field of a change damage of vessels, muscles, nerves and sinews, development of paresthesias owing to a traumatic compression, osteomyelites and osteoarthrites can be noted.

In the most hard cases shortenings of extremities, an atrophy and a hypotrophy of gluteuses, a contracture of hip joints can develop.

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