Main > First aid> First aid at a sting of a tick

First aid at a sting of a tick

Укус клеща Danger of mites consists that these blood-sicking insects are carriers of a set of infections, and both bacterial, and virus among which hemorrhagic fevers, encephalitis and borreliosis are the most dangerous.

The traditional habital of mites – the woody area, the greatest activity is noted in warm season, approximately from the middle of spring to the middle of summer. During this period it is necessary to be especially attentive, visiting the wood – it is the best of all to put on the closed clothes at the same time.

If nevertheless trouble occurred, it is necessary to know how it is correct to give first aid to minimize possible danger. At the same time it is necessary to remember that serious infectious diseases which are transmitted by mites are shown after a sting after a while, and time it can vary in considerable limits – from several days to several weeks. Only when within two months after a sting of a tick no unpleasant symptoms appeared, it is possible to claim that the danger passed.

Measures of first aid at a sting of a tick

The sting of a tick is artful that it often is found not at once as in itself it does not cause any feelings, all troubles begin later. As a rule, the person finds on himself the stuck tick – the sting can last of 15 minutes till several o'clock.

Правильный способ извлечения клещаThe first that needs to be made, it to take a tick. It is necessary to do it very carefully, trying not to crush an insect as in this case danger of infection repeatedly increases. For extraction of a tick it is possible to use the medical tweezers, the special device which is on sale in drugstores or the loop which is independently made of a thread. The insect needs to try to be captured closer to the head, to take slowly, to pull perpendicular to skin, doing at the same time the shaking or slightly rotating (unscrewing) movements. The taken tick needs to be placed in the small glass capacity with water supplied with densely closed cover.

After an insect it was succeeded to take out completely, the wound is washed out water with soap, then processed an antiseptic agent. If the proboscis of a tick broke off and remained in skin, it should not be picked out, after a while – usually it takes several days – it will leave. The place of a sting is processed also.

Attention! Contrary to quite often described so-called national methods, it is impossible to drip on a tick oil, alcohol or any other liquid, and also to cauterize it it broke breath, and it independently disappeared. In this case the risk of infection as at breath disturbance the insect emits saliva which, quite possibly, contains a huge number of causative organisms in a wound is extremely high.

The sting of a tick, in addition to the most various diseases, can cause quite strong allergic reaction. It is shown in hypostasis in the place of a sting, erubescence, emergence of a skin itch and/or rash. Expressiveness of symptoms varies from insignificant to very heavy, up to a life-threatening Quincke's edema (the hypostasis of upper respiratory tracts leading to breath disturbance). Therefore at the first signs of allergic reaction as a measure of first aid it is necessary to give to the victim antihistaminic drug (Loratadin, Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, etc.).

First aid is given what to do next?

If the region in which there was such case belongs to unsuccessful on an epidemiological situation concerning mites, for example, cases of development of a tick-borne encephalitis or other infectious diseases transferred by them – that right after first-aid treatment are known, it is necessary to carry the taken insect in laboratory on the analysis. Addresses of laboratories in the territory of Russia can be learned in Rospotrebnadzor. Usually results of a research are ready on the same day or on following, and depending on them the decision on further actions is made.

It must be kept in mind that viruso-and/or bacillicarriers only a little more than 10% of mites therefore chances that the insect will be sterile, and it will be possible to be limited to measures of first aid are, are rather high. If it is established that the tick supports causative agents of any disease and the more so several, it will be necessary to ask for medical assistance and to undergo vaccination.

If there is no opportunity to carry a tick on the analysis, then it is necessary to watch the state of health of the victim. If inflammation signs on site of a sting disappeared within 1-2 days, the probability of development of any pathology is considered minimum. However if in 2 days in the place of a sting there are a redness and a swelling and the more so if they increase, it is necessary to see a doctor urgently.

Within 10 days after a sting it is necessary to measure and write down body temperature. Temperature increase during this period can indicate the beginning of an infectious disease, in this case it is also necessary to ask for medical care.

Some diseases which carriers are ticks can be shown later rather long time after a sting – so, borreliosis develops 2-3 weeks therefore during this time it is necessary to show vigilance later. At emergence of any deviations in the state of health (weakness, fever, spots on skin, neck muscle tension, a headache, etc.) it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.