Main > Diseases> Flat-footedness


Short characteristic of a disease


Flat-footedness is quite paradoxical disease. On the one hand, each person heard about it, but with another – only the few people precisely represent how it proves what degrees of flat-footedness exist and what this disease is dangerous by. We tried to answer these and many other questions in our article.

It is known that in normal, natural state of stop of the person has two arches – longitudinal (on an inner edge) and cross (between fingers around their bases). These arches perform very important function – maintain balance when walking and protect skeleton bones from excessive loadings. In the absence of foot pathologies successfully cope with this task, working together with strong sheaves and muscles. Flat-footedness at children and adults is shown in that case when the muscular and copular device weakens. At the same time foot settles, becomes flat (for this reason the disease received the name), loses an opportunity to perform spring (shock-absorbing) function. Depending on what arch is exposed to pathological changes, allocate:

  • metatarsus latus – a rasplastannost of front department of foot;
  • longitudinal flat-footedness – flattening of the longitudinal arch;
  • the combined form – both arches are exposed to changes.

At flat-footedness when walking and other loadings an organism will protect from jolting a backbone and joints, however, they badly cope with this task as are initially intended for another at all. As the result, flat-footedness which symptoms can arise at any age leads to a bystry conclusion of joints out of operation. The main danger of this disease also consists in it, the patient suffers not only from bystry exhaustion, but also constants, enough severe pains when walking, pathological disturbances of a bearing, arthrosis and other serious violations.

Types of flat-footedness

The typology of flat-footedness is based on the reasons leading to development of a disease. Researchers allocate:

  • inborn flat-footedness – occurs at children seldom, is a consequence of the defects which appeared during formation and fetation;
  • the acquired flat-footedness – can arise at any age, is subdivided on traumatic, rachitic, static and paralytic;
  • traumatic – this form is shown after injuries, fractures of bones of foot, damage of soft tissues;
  • rachitic flat-footedness – treatment of this type of a disease is required after the postponed rickets which breaks natural formation of bones of foot;
  • static form – its emergence is connected with the excess weight, too strong loads of foot, for example, during sports activities, and also some other factors;
  • paralytic flat-footedness – arises after the paralysis of muscles of foot characteristic of poliomyelitis and some other orthopedic diseases.

Flat-footedness – symptoms and a clinical picture

The main symptoms of a disease easily are defined without any special diagnostic procedures. At flat-footedness:

  • footwear is worn out also with external, and from the inside;
  • quickly there is a feeling of exhaustion when walking;
  • there are spasms and puffiness of legs;
  • it is necessary to buy footwear on one, and even is two sizes more (it is connected with the fact that foot increases on width).

There is a wish to notice that the above described symptoms are characteristic also of some other diseases therefore at the first unpleasant feelings it is better for you to see a doctor who will examine foot and if necessary will direct you to a radiographic research for statement of the exact diagnosis.

Flat-footedness degrees

Severity of a disease depends on that how strong pathological changes happened to foot and the copular device.

At an early stage of a disease doctors reveal the slight dysfunction of feet which is followed by fatigue by the end of day. The foot form at the same time does not change.

The I degree of flat-footedness – symptoms are expressed stronger, when pressing on foot slight pains develop. By the evening the leg of the person quite often swells up, but again returns the normal form after rest.

The II degree – foot is spread, the arches practically disappear that results in considerable difficulties when walking. Pains cover all leg, are characterized by high intensity and duration.

The III degree – in this case leads flat-footedness at children and adults to accurately expressed deformations of foot, severe pains when walking, to decrease in working capacity and falling of quality of life. The person is not able to move in usual footwear any more.

Let's notice also that flat-footedness degrees quickly enough replace each other because of rapid progressing of a disease. It means that the earlier you see a doctor, the chance to avoid serious complications – pains, a kosolapiya, disproportion of the lower extremities, diseases of feet, joints and the coxofemoral device is higher.

Flat-footedness – treatment and prevention of a disease

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Many people consider that to treat flat-footedness – simply. Actually, at late stages of pathology to get rid of deformations of foot very difficult, and at times at all it is impossible. In this case flat-footedness at children and adults can only be braked, but not to cure completely. For this reason early diagnosis of a disease and the timely address to the doctor are so important.

Both longitudinal, and metatarsus latus recover only by means of an integrated approach. For removal of pain physiotherapeutic procedures and medicines are used. The remedial gymnastics which can be done also in house conditions is very effective. She strengthens the copular device, trains muscles, creates a correct posture and a stereotype of walking. Only the doctor as flat-footedness differently proves depending on the speed of development of pathology, age of the patient and some other factors can appoint an effective set of exercises.

For improvement of blood circulation in the field of feet prescribe patients trays for legs and massage procedures. Also special orthopedic insoles which unload painful sites will be extremely useful adjust initial deformations of a disease. The started flat-footedness which symptoms are shown especially brightly is adjusted by means of the orthopedic footwear made by the individual order.

Surgical intervention is urgent when the disease leads to the most severe pains and impossibility independently to move even in special footwear.

Whether it is possible to prevent emergence and development of pathology of the arches of feet? Yes, it is possible! Prevention of flat-footedness consists in the choice of the correct, safe footwear, regular surveys at the specialist orthopedist and restriction of loads of foot.

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