
Мужской половой членPenis (phallus, penis) – an outside men's generative organ which main destination is sexual intercourse, carrying out sperm (ejaculate) in a female vagina, and also removal of urine from a bladder.

Penis structure

At an initial stage of embryonic development the penis and a scrotum look as an open niche. At bottom edges the fillet is formed, after – edges are closed and grow together. On the lower surface of a phallus it is possible to observe traces of this fillet in the form of the seam lasting through a scrotum. The seam can be almost invisible or, on the contrary, is swept very up. Some men notice this seam already at mature age.

Distinguish the basis (root), a trunk (body) and a balanus. The trunk of a phallus is formed by spongy and cavernous bodies which contain a set of the deepenings which are easily filled with blood. Cavernous bodies are located at the edges of a phallus, and the spongy body is from below, in a groove between cavernous, together with an urethra (urethra).

On the end of a penis the spongy body passes into a cone-shaped thickening – a balanus. Its edge covers the ends of cavernous bodies and grows together with them, forming a thickening on circles (nimbus) behind which the coronal furrow is located.

The head of a phallus is covered with gentle and thin skin (prepuce) which contains a set of the pieces of iron developing a smegma.

As well as the penis body, a balanus contains a large number of deepenings which at sexual excitement are filled with blood. Also on it there is a set of nerve terminations therefore it is extremely sensitive to touches. The penis trunk has high sensitivity, especially in the lower zone, approximately in 2-3 cm from a head too. Stimulation of a phallus, especially heads, leads to strengthening of an erection.

In an upper part of a head it is possible to see an opening is an exit of an urethra. Through this opening emission of a seed and an urination is carried out. The opening of an urethra represents the vertical crack framed with sponges. The urethra has a set of tubules which open in an opposite direction from an urine flow. This very "hygienic" and simple decision allows urine to appear an urethra not the big splashing flow, and the twirled arc-shaped stream.

The prepuce bridle, or penis bridle, represents a skin longitudinal elastic fold on the lower surface of a phallus. It is formed as a result of a prepuce union. By means of a bridle the prepuce of a penis and its head connects.

The main function of a bridle of a penis is return of a prepuce to a penis head after its exposure. Normal the bridle well copes with the task as by nature it is very elastic and capable to be exposed to considerable stretching. However it happens that the bridle differs in "ukorochennost", then it is called a short bridle of a penis.

Skin displays of diseases of a penis

Строение полового членаVenereal diseases constitute serious danger as the infection, having got to an organism, has move property from one body to others. For example, it can move from a penis to a prostate or testicles. To diseases, sexually transmitted, the phymosis, a balanoposthitis, a balanitis, a cavernitis, clamidiosis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis and others belong.

Often point external symptoms to presence at an organism of an infection, for example, reddening of a penis or a spot on a penis.

Reddening of a penis in itself not necessarily demonstrates existence of an infection. It can signal also about the wrong hygiene or an allergy.

If reddening is followed by burning and pain, rashes and allocations, or spots on a penis appear, then urgent diagnosis of infectious diseases is necessary.

Penis infections can appear the reason of a skin itch, pain and burning in generative organs. Sores and erosion on a phallus also demonstrate existence of a disease.

If the man is disturbed by an inflammation of an internal leaf of a prepuce and irritation of a head of a penis, then, most likely, it has a balanoposthitis. This disease, as a rule, results from fungal infections of a penis.

The exact diagnosis can be made only by the doctor on the basis of the corresponding analyses.

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