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Advantage of starvation

About advantage of starvation constant discussions are conducted presently though practices abstention from food mankind for a long time. Польза голодания - очищение организма от шлаковFacts of common knowledge that useful starvation was widespread at the time of Ancient Greece, it was recommended in Avicenna's works, it was applied and applied in practice of the Indian yogis. Jesus Christ, as it is told in the bible, went for 40 days to the desert without food, the prophet Moisey wrote ten precepts after 40 days stayed without food and water. Paul Breg and Herbert Shelton who published the techniques of useful starvation checked on own experience were supporters of advantage of starvation of the present.

Basis of healthy life activity of an organism – a normal metabolism. Diseases result from its excessive zashlakovannost and intoxication. Advantage of starvation – start of process of clarification of systems and human organs from the slags and toxins collecting in them.

Advantage of starvation – a forced expenditure an organism of fats and ketonic bodies for glucose synthesis. As a result of starvation development of adrenal hormones (corticosteroids) which have antiinflammatory properties considerably increases. A result of such processes started by a complete starvation is disposal of many diseases.

The advantage of starvation depends on the chosen methods of starvation, goals and can be following:

  • General clarification;
  • Rejuvenation;
  • General improvement;
  • Disposal of specific diseases;
  • Dumping or normalization of weight.

Starvation pluses – the fact, rather obvious, but at modern food abundance persistently ignored. It is enough to remember that in most cases when the person strongly is ill, he loses appetite. So the organism lets know that food in the course of recovery will only disturb it.

Periodic starvation

As a result of the last scientific research it was proved that periodic starvation yields the same result, as well as the long period of restriction of consumption of calories (diet).

Short-term deficit of food in an organism:

  • Activates oxidation process, increasing sensitivity of cellular membranes to insulin. Such complex influence gives a tone to an organism, blocking aging processes;
  • Reduces cholesterol level, appealing a stress, increases amount of the antioxidants which are thrown out by cells in blood;
  • Releases certain hormones, including a growth hormone that promotes the general clarification;
  • Increases immunity and regenerative processes, reducing inflammations;
  • Promotes an absolute detoxication of a liver within 8 hours of a complete starvation.

By experience, starvation should be begun with a break at 12 o'clock between a breakfast and a dinner, further this period gradually should be finished till 16-18 o'clock, as much as possible to 24. It is necessary to carry out a complete starvation of times a day not more often than once a week. Thanks to such diet the chance to resist to viral infections increases, in blood the level of sugar decreases, arteries are cleared of cholesteric deposits. Advantage of starvation – essential delay of processes of aging of an organism.Польза голодания - расходование организмом жиров

Rules of useful starvation

There are three basic rules of useful starvation:

  • 1 – A right choice of a method of starvation according to the state of health and previous experience of starvation;
  • 2 – Carrying out preparatory measures prior to starvation. Cleaning procedures, gradual decrease in the consumed food silt other depending on the chosen method;
  • 3 – Constant control of changes of a condition of an organism in the course of starvation. Timely elimination of problems (perhaps additional cleaning of intestines) or an exit from starvation in case of explicit threat to health, owing to unaccounted diseases.

Conforming to these rules, useful starvation can be made also safe. Our organism is capable to hold rather long time reserves of nutrients. Starvation pluses – use of reserve stocks with clarification of an organism not only from their excesses, but also from toxins and slags.

The advantage of starvation is indisputable only in a complex with the subsequent healthy lifestyle including healthy nutrition, refusal of addictions and moderate exercise stresses.

It is necessary to remember that it is necessary to start any kind of starvation only after consultation with the doctor and under his observation.

Whether you know that:

Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.