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Cancer of bones

Short characteristic of cancer of bones

Cancer of bones is, perhaps, the most rare form of cancer. In risk group there are in the basic children and teenagers; cases of cancer of bones of elderly people are extremely rare. At adults damage of bones can arise because of malignant cells of the struck bodies (lungs, a mammary gland) are so-called metastatic tumors. The tumors arising directly on bones call primary.

Distinguish two types of cancer of bones: malignant and high-quality. Benign tumors grow slowly, and the normal bone surrounds it with a healthy bone tissue. The malignant new growth on a bone has torn edges and quickly increases in sizes, striking the increasing site of a bone.

Symptoms of cancer of bones

The severe or moderate pain arising at the very beginning of a disease most often forces people to see a doctor who, in turn, establishes existence of a tumor. Pain can be stupid or aching; can be a constant or periodically arise. Among other symptoms of cancer of bones there is a limitation of movements and swelling of extremities and joints. Fractures of bones even are possible at insignificant falling. Quite often there is a nausea and an abdominal pain caused by a hypercalcemia (at the moments when calcium salts from the affected bone get to a blood stream). At later stages of development of a disease other symptoms of cancer of bones - loss of weight and fever meet.

It is accepted to distinguish several types of malignant tumors among which is both very aggressive, and rather slowly developing.

Osteosarcoma – the most widespread of all types of cancer of bones, is quite aggressive (can extend to lungs). Arises at men on long bones of legs and hands, is closer to joints. It is possible to make the diagnosis "osteosarcoma", having noticed structural changes of a bone on X-ray.

The chondrosarcoma is such type of cancer of bones which can develop both very slowly, and very quickly. It is widespread among people 40 years are more senior. It is usually localized on femurs and pelvic bones. Metastasises of cancer of bones of this look can extend to lymph nodes and lungs.

Chordoma – one of the most rare species of a tumor. Meets, preferential, among people 30 years are more senior, it is localized in the lower and upper departments of a backbone.

Diagnosis of cancer of bones

Full picture of a disease – a key to successful treatment therefore the exact description of symptoms at diagnosis of cancer of bones will help the doctor to establish a cause of illness. At the beginning of diagnosis of cancer of bones it is necessary to undergo full medical examination and to make blood test. At diagnosis of cancer of bones to reveal type, the size and a form of a cancer tumor, the doctor channelizes on X-ray. If on a x-ray film consolidations (thickening) of tissue of bone and surrounding soft tissues are revealed, then send the patient for additional diagnosis of cancer of bones. CT (computer tomography) or MRT (magnitno – a resonant tomography) belong to modern methods of a research and allow to study a bone, a tumor and surrounding fabrics in depth.

Cancer therapy of bones

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Before beginning cancer therapy of a bone, doctors consider several factors: type, aggression, size and arrangement of a tumor, and also existence of metastasises.

Surgical intervention, radiation therapy or chemotherapy – these methods of controlling with cancer of bones are effective both separately, and together.

The surgical method of cancer therapy of bones assumes removal of all tumor, i.e. amputation of a part of a bone. At the same time it is not allowed to leave affected areas, otherwise the remained malignant cells will continue to grow and develop. Also a part of surrounding fabric, and also a part of nerves and blood vessels is removed. The amputated part of a bone can be recovered by bone cement on small sites or metal implants if a considerable part of a bone is removed.

The chemotherapy at cancer of bones is appointed by the oncologist who will pick up an effective and safe dose of medicinal himiopreparat. They are entered intravenously and suppress life activity of cells of cancer of bones. The chemotherapy is effective both before operation, and after it. In the first case it reduces a tumor, thereby facilitating surgical intervention; in the second case fights against the malignant cells which remained after operation.

The essence of radiation therapy comes down to that the directed X-ray to destroy cancer letka. Beams come to an organism small doses that side effects were minimum.

It is necessary to tell that recently survival of suffering from cancer bones (and oncological patients) increased. In many respects it is a merit of the advanced opening in the field of radio surgery, rapid development of technologies and new approaches in treatment of oncological diseases. The forecast of cancer of bones at competent and timely treatment favorable.

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