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Colon cancer

General characteristic of a disease

Развитие рака толстой кишки

Cancer it is accepted to understand the malignant tumor located on one of departments of a large intestine as the term "colon cancer" or "colorectal": blind, colonic or a rectum, and also on the proctal channel. A colon cancer – one of the most widespread oncological diseases of residents of the developed countries. A colon cancer only the oncology of mammary glands, lungs and a stomach meet more often.

Carry a number of cumulative factors to the reasons causing a colon cancer: from chronic diseases of intestines to errors of a diet and heredity. In risk group there are patients in whose family cases of a colon cancer or people with a large number of meat in a diet were already diagnosed. In the countries, in the Central Africa, India etc., the colon cancer meets eurysynusic traditions of vegetarianism much less often.

The risk to develop a colon cancer the Krone, ulcer colitis or colorectal polyps is above at patients with a disease. Symptoms of a colon cancer are diagnosed for people of advanced age more often 60 years are more senior. At chronic diseases of intestines longer than 20 years the probability to develop a colon cancer makes about 30%.

Symptoms of a colon cancer

To the most typical symptoms of a colon cancer disturbances of character of a chair, availability of blood in excrements, a nagging pain in a stomach and false desires carry to bowel emptying (tenesmus).

Blood in intestinal excrements – an intestines cancer symptom practically all patients with this disease. It is often possible to define availability of blood in excrements only by the special analysis on the occult blood in Calais. Externally the disease can be shown by pallor of skin and feeling of weakness.

Explicit bloody intestinal allocations of scarlet color - a frequent symptom of a colon cancer with localization in the field of the proctal channel or a rectum. Impurity of dark blood and slime in Calais are considered as a symptom of a colon cancer of colonic department.

One more reliable symptom is characteristic of later stages of a colon cancer: the colon cancer is complicated by feeling of incomplete bowel emptying, and is later intestinal impassability. Carry ascites to symptoms of a colon cancer of the complicated form (accumulation of liquid in a peritoneum) and a hepatomegalia (sharp increase in the sizes of a liver). Also the perforation of intestines in the location of a tumor demanding the emergency surgical treatment is possible.

Stages of a colon cancer

There are several classifications of a colon cancer. The most known of them allocation of stages of a colon cancer depending on extent of spread of a tumor and metastasises is considered.

Symptom of a colon cancer of a stage of I is the single tumor located on a mucous membrane and in a submucosal layer of intestines. Localization of a tumor within a half of a circle of intestines is characteristic of the II stage of a colon cancer. For this stage of a disease also one more of symptoms of a colon cancer is allowed: either disturbance of integrity of a wall of intestines tumor, or existence of metastasises in nearby lymph nodes. Both of these symptoms of a colon cancer meet at the III stage of a colon cancer. The extensive sizes of a tumor and multiple metastasises in the remote bodies – a symptom of a colon cancer of a stage of IV.

Different types of a colon cancer are differentiated also in the direction of growth of a tumor and its histologic structure. The look and a stage of a colon cancer are defined at a presurgical stage and also during intraoperative audit of intestines.

Diagnosis of a colon cancer

Скрининг рака толстой кишки

Primary diagnosis "colon cancer" is made on the basis of complaints of the patient and manual rectal inspection in the proctologist's office. Carry a rektoromanoskopiya, blood tests to laboratory and tool diagnostic methods of a colon cancer and a calla, a kolonoskopiya, an irrigoskopiya and ultrasonography of bodies of a basin. The last stage of diagnosis of a colon cancer is the tumor biopsy.

Due to the prevalence of a disease any intestinal symptomatology at persons is more senior than 50 years is considered as one of probable symptoms of a colon cancer. In the prevailing majority of cases the terrible diagnosis is not confirmed, and ulcer colitis or polyps of a large intestine are diagnosed for the patient.

At confirmation of the preliminary diagnosis of the patient with a colon cancer goes to a computer tomography for the purpose of definition of degree of prevalence of metastasises to other bodies.

Cancer therapy of a large intestine

The main method of cancer therapy of a large intestine - surgical with a full oncotomy and the innidiation centers. Success of radical cancer therapy of a large intestine depends on a disease stage, and also on the correct training of the patient for operation, the principles of its carrying out and features of a current of the postoperative period.

Before operation to the patient with a colon cancer the bezshlakovy diet and a course of the procedures clearing intestines by means of enemas, lavage and laxative drugs is appointed. These measures help to reach the maximum aseptichnost of the carried-out cancer therapy of a large intestine. The last stage of cancer therapy of a large intestine after a resection of the site of intestines affected with a disease is formation of an anastomosis – connection of the remained departments of a gut. The natural passage of intestinal contents is so recovered.

At an intestines tumor with metastasises in the remote lymph nodes and bodies cancer therapy of a large intestine development of acute intestinal impassability and reduction of a pain syndrome, not radical, but symptomatic for prevention. In case of impossibility to completely remove a tumor at the patient with a colon cancer the kolostoma forms. It allows to evacuate intestines contents bypassing the body affected with a tumor. A part of complex cancer therapy of a large intestine is also local and general himioluchevy impact on a tumor and metastasises.

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