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Remo of shoe-polishes

Remo of shoe-polishes – hypoallergenic solution for regular hygiene of auricles.Ремо вакс

Structure and form of release

According to Remo's instruction of shoe-polishes is issued in the form of solution for an instillation to the ear canal. In 1 plastic bottle with the doser of 10 ml of solution of Remo of shoe-polishes which contains 3 mg of cordianine, 1 mg of chloride a benzetoniya, 1 mg of butylhydroxytoluene, 5 mg of a feniletanol, 2 mg of sorbic acid, liquid lanolin, mink oil, emulsifiers and fillers, water.

Pharmacological action of Remo shoe-polish

According to Remo's instruction of shoe-polishes promotes dissolution of an earwax (a secret of glands of outside acoustical pass). Usually the earwax is removed independently in the course of chewing. At some states (irritation of acoustical pass by dust, water, earphones, earplugs; sharp change of climate; skin diseases) secretion of sulfur increases many times over, collects and can form cerumen impaction. In turn cerumen impaction leads to decrease in hearing, a headache, nausea.

Remo of shoe-polishes does not contain aggressive components and antibacterial drugs therefore it can be applied at children since the birth. The lanolin which are its part, mink oil, cordianine, promote department of the keratosic cells of acoustical pass, narrow a time and suppress reproduction of microorganisms. And фенилэтанол and butylhydroxytoluene promote penetration of other components into thickness of cerumen impaction and its softening. Sorbic acid helps to humidify a stopper that allows to wash up it more easily.

Indications to use

According to Remo's instruction of shoe-polishes it is recommended for removal of surplus of an earwax at adults and children since the birth. Especially drug is necessary for the following groups of patients:

  • children of early age;
  • persons who actively do swimming;
  • persons who use earphones and hearing aids;
  • elderly people with decrease in hearing.

Contraindications to Remo's use shoe-polish

This drug should not be used if the patient has an ear pain, allocation of a secret from the acoustical channel, and also at injuries of a tympanic membrane.

Route of administration and doses

According to Remo's instruction of shoe-polishes it is recommended to dig in to the ear canal. Before use it is necessary to take previously a bottle in a palm within 2 minutes that its temperature became close to body temperature.

The patient needs to lay down sideways. For the purpose of straightening of outside acoustical pass it is necessary to delay a lobe of an ear of a kzada and down (at children of chest age the auricle needs to be displaced back and up), then on a back wall to dig 20 drops of drug (the amount of solution depends on the size of the acoustical channel, the level of solution has to reach border of transition to an auricle).

Attention! The solution instillation in the center of an ear can lead to formation of an air stopper (especially if the acoustical channel has gyrose the narrow course after the postponed inflammatory diseases).

After Remo's instillation shoe-polish, according to reviews, the patient can have a feeling of presence of liquid at an ear for several minutes. This effect is caused by existence in drug of moisture-holding components.

It is not necessary to place in an ear of vatu or wadded disks after Remo's instillation shoe-polish as they will absorb solution prior to its influence.

After an instillation it is necessary to wait about 10 minutes. Then to turn over on other side and to allow to flow out to solution within 1 minute (it is also possible to be inclined over a surface). At the expense of the dissolved sulfur the followed solution can be brown color. Any additional washings after Remo's use shoe-polish is not required.

It is necessary to use drug 1 time in 14 days for regular hygiene of an ear.Лекарственная форма Ремо вакса - раствор для закапывания в ушной канал

In the presence at the patient of cerumen impaction time of influence of Remo shoe-polish should be increased before half an hour. In some cases repetition of the procedure can be required daily (to 5 times).

According to reviews, Remo of shoe-polishes is hypoallergenic and safe for use even at children with allergic and skin diseases. The conducted clinical trials proved safety of drug at prolonged use.

Remo's analogs shoe-polish

There is no completely similar drug on the making components.

Remo's analogs shoe-polish are the medicines similar in the action: A-tserumen, Audi of the baby, Audi spray, церумекс. Before Remo's replacement shoe-polish with an analog it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Special instructions

At children up to 3 years use of wadding sticks can be the reason of outside otitis. Q-tips should be used only for cleaning of an auricle. The period of validity of drug of Remo of shoe-polishes is not reduced after opening of a bottle in case of regular use.

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