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Muscle tension

Симптомы ригидности затылочных мышцMuscle tension is an increase in their tone and steady resistance to the deforming efforts. It is a consequence of pathological disturbances of functional activity of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The criterion for evaluation of a muscle tone is an important symptom at diagnosis of the diseases caused by these disturbances.

Reasons of rigidity of cervicobrachial muscles

Painful constraint of muscles can be caused by professional activity of the person. The long condition of tension interfaced to limited mobility of cervicobrachial muscles leads to their spasm. The raised tone of muscles caused by blood circulation disturbance is shown by the aching feelings in occipital area and does not demand therapy. Regular performance of elementary physical exercises recovers blood circulation and removes feeling of fatigue.

Steady constraint of muscles in a neck and shoulders which is followed by severe pain at the slightest movement and other symptoms can be a consequence of a number of serious pathologies. The diseases causing muscle tension:

  • Osteochondrosis of cervical department of a backbone, arthritis. The dystrophic disturbances in joint cartilages caused by excessive loadings, disbolism and bearings, injuries and other reasons are characteristic of them. Osteochondrosis symptoms except a stiff neck are followed by pain of the head, upper extremities and shoulders. Severe dizzinesses at the same time can be aggravated with decrease in sight, hearing. Irradiirushchy thorax pain has stenocardia symptomatology. Exact diagnosis requires a research by means of a magnetic and resonant tomography. Drug treatment assumes an integrated approach and has to take place under control of the doctor, it is directed to the removal of an inflammation and joint pain which caused an aggravation. At a stiff neck use of the drugs recovering blood circulation and a tone of muscles is also shown. Rehabilitation will be accelerated by physiotherapeutic procedures and massage;
  • Neck injuries. They can cause stretching and shift of cervical vertebrae. As a rule, are followed by frequent pains and dizzinesses, decrease in sensitivity of hands. The close neighbourhood of the arteries providing blood supply of a brain causes big danger at the shift of vertebrae of cervical department. Diagnosis only on the basis of MRT. Treatment of muscle tension against the background of antiinflammatory therapy assumes effective methods of removal of a muscle tension by means of massage and acupuncture. At difficult injuries surgical intervention is shown. Process of recovery is promoted by carrying an orthopedic collar;
  • Wryneck. The defect of a cervical part of a backbone provoking turn of the head to the opposite side. Disturbance of a skeleton leads to change of soft and muscular tissue. The disease has inborn character more often, it can be a consequence of a birth trauma or forms the wrong pre-natal provision of a fruit. Dislocations of cervical vertebrae, the wrong position of the head caused by deterioration in hearing and sight, professional activity are the reason of the acquired wryneck. Muscle tension of a neck is caused by long forced position of the head. Treatment is defined by an etiology. The inborn form provides surgery. Manual therapy is effective irrespective of a wryneck origin;
  • Hematencephalon, encephalitis, meningitis. The diseases connected with disturbance of blood circulation and an inflammation of a brain of the person cause the raised tone of muscles at different stages of development. The severe headache, high temperature, hypersensitivity to light, nausea are symptoms of a current of each of these diseases. The raised tone of muscles against the background of these symptoms constitutes big danger. Neck muscle tension at the same time is shown by sharp resilience in passive attempt of a ducking to a breast and is one of precursory symptoms of meningitis. Exact diagnosis of an inflammation requires a research of cerebrospinal fluid, and the computer tomography will show the center in the affected brain. Therapy is directed to acceptance of emergency measures on treatment of a basic disease;
  • Parkinsonism. A neurologic syndrome which reason the diseases connected with disturbance of work of a brain, and also toxic poisonings of an organism are. Trembling of a body and muscle tension of legs, hands, necks, persons are characteristic of it. Treatment assumes a maintenance therapy.

Muscle tension at children

Болезни, вызывающие ригидность мышцThe raised muscle tone often is present at babies, it has natural character, and within the first months of life the stiffness of muscles usually passes. Disturbance of process of formation of a peripheral nervous system of the child is demonstrated by the following factors:

  • Low-mobility of the kid;
  • The clamped pose at which knees are drawn in to a trunk;
  • Disturbance of reflexes;
  • Muscle tension of legs.

If the neuropathologist at survey does not observe positive dynamics of a tone of muscles of the child, then the emergency treatment normalizing a nervous system and activity of muscles is necessary. Lack of the timely help to the child leads to lags in psychological and physical development. He begins to creep, get on feet later and to go, at the same time steps not on all foot, and moves on tiptoe. Treatment of muscle tension of the kid includes medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures and massage.

Whether you know that:

To tell even the shortest and simple words, we involve 72 muscles.