Main > Food stuffs> Rosemary


Rosemary grows in the countries of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. It is the evergreen bush reaching up to two meters in height. Its bluish color inflorescences have very pleasant aroma, and small leaves of gray-green color are very similar to needles.

Розмарин свежий

The name of rosemary is translated into Russian as "sea dew". Since ancient times this plant is considered a symbol of prosperity, fidelity, prosperity and love. Therefore still many people decorate the heads newly married with a wreath from rosemary.

Use of rosemary in cookery

Branches of rosemary are considered as excellent spice. The real gourmets appreciated its tastes. According to reviews rosemary is capable to improve processes of digestion and to stimulate appetite. Very tasty and rich dish are the pieces of boiled potatoes which are slightly fried on vegetable oil strewed from above with rosemary and fennel. And green peas are ideal for decoration of this dish. Besides in the countries of the Mediterranean various drinks with rosemary, for example spirit tincture or green tea are very popular.

Structure and useful properties of rosemary

Rosemary is not only fragrant spice, but also a valuable medicinal plant. Useful properties of rosemary for health of the person are explained by his unique chemical composition. Its leaves comprise:

  • Proteins – 3,1%;
  • Carbohydrates – 20,5%;
  • Fats – 5,7%;
  • Group B vitamins;
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium);
  • Organic acids (betulinic, ursolovy, coffee, camphoric, rosemary);
  • Essential oils – 1,2%;
  • Tannins;
  • Antioxidants.

The most remarkable useful property of rosemary beyond all doubt is its immunopromoting effect protecting from developing of various diseases. It is necessary to refer its tonic, antibacterial, soothing, cholagogue, wound healing and sedative action to other useful properties of rosemary.

At regular consumption, rosemary allows to prevent development of many serious diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, arthritises, arthroses, strokes, diseases of cardiovascular system, a diabetes mellitus, diseases of blood and malignant new growths. According to reviews rosemary, thanks to the antioxidant properties, allows to keep force, beauty, health and youth for many years.

This spice improves a brain blood stream, improves memory, increases concentration of attention, stimulates cerebration. Besides rosemary is the most real natural antidepressant promoting the removal of feeling of fatigue, irritation, depression improving mood.

According to reviews rosemary is effective also in treatment of acute respiratory diseases since the essential oil which is contained in it has the expressed antiseptic properties. At cough, cold, flu it is recommended to accept inside three times a day rosemary infusion on a half of a glass, and also to rinse them a throat and to wash out a nasal cavity. For preparation of infusion it is necessary to fill in one tablespoon of vegetable raw materials with boiled water halfliter. To insist two hours. Before use to filter.

Rosemary infusion helps also at problems with digestion. It increases secretion of a gastric juice, improving thereby digestion of food, eliminates intestinal Применение розмарина в кулинарии

Contraindications to rosemary

Despite a set of the useful properties rosemary is contraindicated to small children, pregnant women, and also the people having a hypertension, epilepsy and an idiosyncrasy (individual intolerance) to it. Therefore before beginning to accept rosemary as herbal remedy, it is desirable to consult with the attending physician.

Rosemary for hair

Brilliant, strong and thick hair not just decorates any person, but also speaks about his health. Now on sale there is a huge amount of the most various care products for hair, but many people prefer not cosmetics, and those that are presented to us by the nature. The advantage of rosemary for hair was known already in an extreme antiquity. This plant, thanks to the curative properties stimulates growth of hair, strengthens them, and also clears skin of the died-off parts and fatty traffic jams.

Rosemary hair oil should be rubbed daily in a pilar part of head skin within ten minutes. At dry hair it can be mixed with castor oil in the ratio one to one. It is necessary to apply on skin absolutely slightly to this mix since otherwise hair will get a greasy luster.

Rosemary hair oil can be used also for their rinsing after washing. For this purpose on one liter of warm water it is necessary to add ten drops of essential oil. After such rinsing the hair color becomes juicy, saturated, dandruff disappears.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.