Sugar – high-calorific foodstuff. According to people annually uses about sixty kilograms of this carbohydrate.
India where it is known about 2500 is considered the homeland of a product. Particles of brown color made of a sugarcane and delivered to the European countries from India. Egypt acted as the intermediary in this trade.
In Russia it for the first time appeared approximately in the 11th century. At that time only the tsar and his confidants could use this valuable product.
In 1802 arranged production of sugar from beet near Tula in the beginning, and then and in other regions of the country.
On structure and properties sugar is divided into disaccharides, monosaccharides and polysaccharides.
Are ranked as monosaccharides fructose (fruit sugar), a dextrose or glucose (glucose) and a galactose. The maltose (malt sugar), lactose (milk sugar) and sucrose (cane and beet sugar) belong to disaccharides. Intestines of the person acquire only monosaccharides.
Now sugar of different types – palm, reed, beet, white and brown is produced. All its types release in the cleared and crude look.
The refined (purified) sugar is subjected to steam processing, turned into syrup and filtered then it turns the beautiful white weight which is evaporated, and then dried up.
Honey – a special type of sugar. It contains about 20% of water, microelements and mineral substances and about 80% of sugar in the form of sucrose, glucose and fructose.
Properties of sugar of brown color, useful to human body, are explained by the maintenance in it of molasses and the whole complex of useful components. Though the indicator of caloric content of sugar of brown color is much higher, than white.
There are following types of sugar: baking, fruit, usual, crystal, ultrasmall, rough, liquid, confectionery powder and sugar sprinkling.
Granulated sugar and sugar in the form of lump sugar are most known among consumers. Are considered less popular lump and candy sugar. Most often they move at restaurants to various drinks.
Hundred grams of this sweet product contain 99,8 g mono - and disaccharides, 0,1 g of ashes, 0,1 g of water, 3 mg of calcium, 0,3 mg of iron, 3 mg of potassium and 1 mg of sodium.
Sugar caloric content – 399 kcal on 100 g of a product. Scientists consider that daily women can use no more than four teaspoons of this product, to men – no more than six spoons, and to children – one teaspoon a day.
The important advantage of sugar consists in its ability to activate blood circulation in back and a brain. Among scientists there is an opinion that sugar brings undoubted benefit at diseases of a spleen and liver as glucose supports barrier function of a liver, participating in synthesis of glucuronic and pair sulphuric acids.
This product indirectly increases emission in a serotonin brain - "hormone of good mood".
Sugar is considered one of the main sources of carbohydrates for a human body. It is possible to refer to advantage of sugar that this sweet product sates muscles of the person with necessary energy, eliminates a headache, removes fatigue for a short span.
Speaking about harm of sugar, it is necessary to remember that this product happens internal and external.
The first contains in cereals, fruit, some vegetables. Sugar of this type is not considered harmful as in a human body he is late in the quantity necessary for normal life activity.
External sugar contains in treacle, cakes, candies, drinks and other sweet dishes. The use of sugar of this type in a large number harms an organism.
The white purified sugar from beet or reed does not contain cellulose, vitamins, proteins and minerals. This product for 99% is pure simple carbohydrate.
Sugar at hit in a body at once comes to a blood plasma. It is soaked up in blood so quickly that it demands excessive concentration of insulin. The sharp jump of level of insulin leads to reduction of concentration of this carbohydrate in blood therefore the hypoglycemia develops. The similar state is shown in increased fatigue, decline of energy, slowness of movements, dizziness, anemia, low pressure, blackout, a hair loss, cyanosis.
The greatest harm of sugar is that it brings out of an organism calcium, and also other minerals, absorbs valuable nutrients, the protein stock exhausts. All this leads to development of caries, rickets, osteoporosis – painful destruction of bones.
Sharp increase and sharp recession of concentration of glucose in blood causes feeling of false hunger.
Consumption of a protein in enough and overconsumption of sugar leads to development of obesity, and a lack of a protein of an organism and overconsumption of sugar becomes very frequent the leanness reason.
The excessive use of sugar reduces force of immune system by seventeen times. The London doctors found out that this sweet product is capable to change partially bacteria on a mucous membrane of walls of intestines. It leads to disintegration of salts of bile and formation of the substances causing cancer diseases.
Cardiovascular diseases are caused by a combination of sugar and fats of animal origin which are postponed on walls of arteries in the form of cholesterol.
The excessive use of sacchariferous products increases risk of development of a diabetes mellitus, diseases of a brain, blood, and also promotes a senilism. Carbohydrate is laid in skin collagen, reducing its elasticity.
The use of sugar promotes education of harmful free radicals who kill a human body from within.
Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.
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