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Sanasolum – a polyvitaminic complex.

Pharmacological action

Under the Sanasolum trademark release the vitamin complexes, various on structure, intended for different age groups.

Release Sanasolum for children of 4-10 years, for teenagers, for people after 45 years, and a universal vitamin complex which adults and children can accept. Also special series are made: Sanasolum for pregnant women and the strengthened complex for inclusion in cold season – for prevention of cold.Сана-сол в бутылочке

Vitamins C, E, B2, B1, PP, B12, B6, biotin (vitamin N), calcium pantothenate, folic acid, magnesium are a part of a universal complex.

For children of 4-10 years iron, calcium carbonate, zinc, potassium iodide, chrome, manganese, magnesium, sodium, PP, C, A vitamins, E, D, B6, B2, B12, B1, fatty acids, folic acid, calcium pantothenate are a part of the Sanasolum complex.

The vitamin complex for teenagers includes vitamins D, PP, E, A, C, B1, B12, B6, B2, folic acid, calcium carbonate, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc, chrome, molybdenum.

In structure of the Sanasolum complex for aged people of 45 l. also is more senior PP, D, A, B1, B12, B2, B6 vitamins, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, magnesium, molybdenum, chrome, barmy selenium enter.

The strengthened Sanasolum of Ekstravit complex contains vitamins A, B2, B6, C, B1, B12, iron, zinc, a sodium ascorbate, extracts of strawberry leaves, leaves of currant, hips.

Sanasolum for pregnant women includes vitamins E, D, A, V6, S, V1, V2, V12, RR, pantothenic and folic acids, iron, calcium, molybdenum, zinc, iodine, selenium, chrome, magnesium, manganese.

Form of release of Sanasolum

The universal Sanasolum complex is released in the form of sparkling tablets.

Sanasolum for children of 4-10 years and teenagers is released in the form of chewable tablets.

The complex for people of mature age is released in the form of coated tablets.

Vitamins for inclusion in cold season release in chewable tablets.

Indications to use

All specified types of vitamins appoint Sanasolum according to the instruction for maintenance of immunity, completion of deficit of minerals and vitamins, prevention of catarrhal diseases.

Route of administration

Universal vitamins Sanasolum to children after 12 l., the adult recommend to accept on one tablet a day. Produce these vitamins B sparkling tablets which before reception dissolve in 150 ml of water. Take vitamin drink during food.

Sanasolum for children of 4-10 years and teenagers is appointed to accept during meal on one chewable tablet a day.

Vitamins for aged people of 45 l. also it is recommended to accept on a tablet in day.

Sanasolum for pregnant women is appointed to accept two tablets a day. Reception of vitamins by the woman during this period, judging by reviews of Sanasolum, gives the chance to prevent development of infections during pregnancy, to strengthen immunity, to improve composition of milk, to provide normal fetation.

Sanasolum of Ekstravit with extracts of plants children of 4-14 years are given on a tablet in day, to children after 14 l. and the adult – on two tablets a day. Vitamins are recommended to be accepted during food. Reviews of Sanasolum characterize it as highly effective prophylactic: its regular use gives the chance to prevent development of an infection or to facilitate the course of a disease if it nevertheless began.

Side effects

Vitamins at their correct use seldom lead to development of side effects. There are reviews of Sanasolum indicating that they can cause an allergy. Similar reaction is connected with individual sensitivity to components of the vitamin Sanasolum complexes. At emergence of side effects to sleduyetobratitsya behind consultation to the doctor and if necessary to replace drug.

Сана-сол-поливитаминный комплекс


Sanasolum according to the instruction cannot be accepted at hypersensitivity to its components.

It is impossible to accept Sanasolum along with other polyvitaminic complexes since there can be an overdose of vitamins and disturbance of work of internals and systems.

It is undesirable to pregnant women to accept vitamins without recommendation of the doctor.

Whether you know that:

The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.