Main > Drugs> Siliborum


Siliborum – medicine of a plant origin for protection of hepatic fabric against toxic defeats.Силибор

Pharmacological action of Siliborum

Active agent of Siliborum – Silymarinum, participates in the recovery processes which are taking place in structure of cells of a liver (hepatocytes). Siliborum works as a gepatoprotektor (the defender of a liver) due to antioxidant activity of flavonoids (the substances emitted from a thistle spotty) which contain in composition of drug.

Drug improves a metabolism in liver cells, stimulating synthesis of a glycogen and RNA, structural and functional proteins and recovering exchange of phospholipids. The flavonoids which are a part of Siliborum accelerate processes of recovery of hepatic cells, interfere with penetration of gepatotoksichny substances through cellular membranes in hepatocytes.

Release form

Siliborum produce in a dosage form of coated tablets 40 mg everyone. On 25 tablets in packaging.

Siliborum analogs on the mechanism of action are drugs Gepatosan, Holenol, Progepar, Gepa-Mertz, Gepafor, Tiotriazolin, Glutargin, Phosphogliv, Glutargin, Tykveol, Maksar, Peponen.

Indications to use of Siliborum

According to the instruction Siliborum is appointed:

  • At cirrhosis;
  • At chronic hepatitis of various origin;
  • At treatment of the steatosis of a liver caused as disbolism in liver cells, and owing to action of toxic factors;
  • In case of states after postponed acute infectious and toxic hepatitises;
  • At damages of a liver (toxic and medicinal);
  • In case of the long intoxications connected with professional activity.


According to reviews Siliborum is not appointed to children under four years, and also patients with hypersensitivity to the components which are a part of tablets.

Siliborum route of administration

According to the instruction Siliborum is recommended to accept to food.

To children of twelve years and the adult administration of drug is appointed at the rate of 70 mg by three times a day.

Seriously ill patients can increase a dosage to 420 mg a day in three steps.

To children of six-nine years appoint reception of Siliborum once at the rate of 70 mg a day, to children is nine-twelve years – the same dosage twice a day.

The medical course makes thirty days and if necessary can be prolonged up to three months.

Treatment can be repeated in one-two months.

For prevention of diseases of a liver Siliborum accept one - twice a day at the rate of 70 mg. Duration of a preventive course – one month.Силибор выпускают в таблетках

Side effects of Siliborum

At use of Siliborum according to reviews can be observed:

  • Allergic reactions: itch, skin rashes;
  • Increase in a diuresis (amount of urine for a certain period – days, hour, minute);
  • Developing of diarrhea;
  • Dizziness attacks (in the presence of disturbances from a vestibular mechanism).

In case of by-effects the dosage is reduced or cancel administration of drug completely.

Storage conditions

Drug is stored in the dry, dark place unavailable to children. The storage temperature recommended by the manufacturer – from 8ºС to 30ºС.

Siliborum period of storage – 24 months.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.