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Icenco-Cushing syndrome

Icenco-Cushing syndrome in medicine it is accepted to call a disease which involves a large number of the symptoms resulting from increase of concentration of glucocorticoid hormones in a human body.Основные симптомы синдрома Иценко-Кушинга - ожирение туловища, шеи и лица

Icenco-Cushing syndrome origins

  • The inflammatory processes happening in a brain (in particular, because of a hypophysis tumor).
  • In certain cases arises in a puerperal period at women.
  • Tumors of adrenal glands.
  • Tumors of a pancreas, bronchial tubes and lungs, mediastinums that inevitably involves Icenco-Cushing syndrome symptoms.

During diagnosis of the analyzed disease it is necessary to remember that the Icenco-Cushing syndrome combines a large number of painful states (cancer of adrenal glands, Cushing's disease, increase in AKTG, etc.). In addition, the patient with an Icenco-Cushing syndrome has to undergo additional inspection and refuse administration of drugs which contain glucocorticoids (so, long time accepting Prednisolonum or similar medicines, it is possible to cause development of the studied disease).

After definition of symptoms of a syndrome of Cushing it is impossible to tell at once what disease is characteristic of the specific patient: cancer of adrenal glands or nevertheless Cushing's disease. Quite often at the men having cancer of adrenal glands in an organism women's hormone, and at women begins to prevail, on the contrary, men's signs appear. It is also not necessary to forget that in medicine there is Cushing's pseudo-syndrome arising at the patients who are depressed or long time taking alcohol. As a result of similar diseases normal functioning of adrenal glands stops, and they begin to produce glucocorticoid hormones in excess quantity, as involves emergence of symptoms of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome.


There is an Icenco-Cushing syndrome at children, and also can develop at any age. However most often it arises at people whose age fluctuates within 20-40 years. It should be noted that at women this disease arises by 10 times more often than at men.

Icenco-Cushing syndrome symptoms

It is possible to distinguish obesity of a trunk, neck and person from the most common symptoms of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome. With such disease the person gets a round form from patients, hands and legs become very thin and thin, skin excessively dries up and in some places gains red-blue color (on a face and in a breast). Quite often finger-tips, lips and a nose become blue (the Crocq's disease develops). Skin becomes thinner, through it veins (most often it occurs on extremities and a breast) clearly are looked through, it is well visible extensions (on a stomach, hips, legs and hands). In places of friction skin quite often gets more dark shade. At women on a face and extremities excessive pilosis is observed.

Besides, arterial pressure constantly increases. Because of shortage in an organism of calcium changes of a skeleton (in severe forms of a disease spinal fractures and edges meet) are observed. Exchange processes in an organism are broken that involves development of a diabetes mellitus which practically will never respond to treatment. At patients with this disease frequent depressions or the overexcited state can be observed.

Symptoms of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome is also decrease in potassium concentration in blood while hemoglobin, erythrocytes and cholesterol considerably increase.

The Icenco-Cushing syndrome has three forms of development: easy, average and heavy. The disease can develop in a year or half a year is (very prompt), and can gain the steam within 3-10 years.

Diagnosis of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome

Синдром Иценко-Кушинга у женщин возникает в 10 раз чаще, чем у мужчин

  • The quantity of cortisol in blood and urine is defined. Blood test for establishment of quantity of AKTG in it is made (night increase is the most truthful indicator in this analysis).
  • By means of special researches establish a source of the increased production of hormones (adrenal glands or a hypophysis). The computer tomography of a skull as a result of which hypophysis adenoma, and also increase in adrenal glands is defined is carried out. Thanks to a tomography or a stsintigrafiya diagnose tumors of adrenal glands.
  • To exclude possible tumoral development of bark of adrenal glands, carry out special tests with use of dexamethasone, AKTG or metapiron.

Treatment of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome

  • If a symptom of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome is morbid condition of a hypophysis, then the only right decision is full removal of a hypophysis.
  • If at the patient adenoma of adrenal glands is observed, treatment of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome is removal of adenoma, including laparoscopic removal of an adrenal gland – a laparoscopic adrenalectomy. At a severe form of a disease of a surgical way delete two adrenal glands that involves constant adrenal insufficiency. Only the corresponding therapy can maintain the normal state of the patient.
  • The laparoscopic adrenalectomy is applied not only to treatment of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome, and also to elimination of the endocrine diseases arising because of bad work of a hypophysis or adrenal glands that can cause development of symptoms of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome. Today similar operation is eurysynusic around the world. If it is impossible to carry out surgical intervention concerning a hypophysis, then carry out a bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy.
  • Treatment of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome at children and adults at cancer of adrenal glands is defined for each specific patient. The easy and average form of a disease is treated by radiation therapy. If the similar method of treatment has no appropriate results, delete one adrenal gland or appoint хлодитан with other medicines.
  • The purpose of conservative therapy is recovery of mineral, protein, carbohydrate metabolism. For treatment of an Icenco-Cushing syndrome quite often register diuretic drugs, glycosides, and also the means reducing arterial pressure are warmer.
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