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Apple juice

In our country apple juice is one of the most favourite and popular juice. It not only is very useful and tasty, but also is widely available. Apples grow in our latitudes literally everywhere, and the most various grades.

Укрепление сосудов и сердца - свойства яблочного сокаApple by right is considered at many people of the world one of the most useful fruit. Today, probably, there is no such country where would not grow up apples. Taste of apples and juice from them depends on conditions of growth and a grade. Relish to fruits is impacted by organic acids, tannins and sugar, and aroma of various grades differs depending on the content of essential oils.

Structure of apple juice

In addition to improbable taste and aroma the whole complex of nutritious and useful substances, such as sugar, carbohydrates and organic acids, and also cellulose, proteins, starch and fats is a part of apple juice. In a small amount there is at it even an alcohol.

Apples contain a lot of ascorbic acid, and also vitamin E, RR, N and vitamins of group B. And it is more mineral substances as a part of apple juice, than in other fruit and juice. There is a zinc, iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, manganese, molybdenum, chrome, vanadium, boron, chlorine, sulfur, aluminum, cobalt, nickel, rubidium there.

Caloric content of apple juice

It is possible to tell safely that it is simply impossible to recover from this product as the caloric content of apple juice makes only 47 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Advantage of apple juice

Thanks to a high combination of useful substances apple juice is used at stomach diseases, a liver, kidneys, intestines and a bladder. Not for nothing pediatricians advise regularly to give apple juice to children.

Apples contain pectin which quickly normalizes work of a stomach. Besides, the advantage of apple juice consists in impact on brain cells. It protects brain cells from destruction and is fine prevention from such dangerous disease as Alzheimer's disease.

A number of experiments on mice was conducted, and all of them showed that apple juice perfectly protects brain cells from the oxidizing processes which are becoming more active in the period of a stress that speaks about powerful antioxidant properties of juice. Rather daily to drink 300 ml of juice to protect itself from development of an angiosclerosis of a brain.

Thanks to presence of organic acids and natural sugars, the advantage of apple juice consists in strengthening of vessels and hearts and recovery of an organism after heavy loadings. Apple juice is very useful to children as the growing   organism needs constant vitamins and mineral substances. And at locks and gastritises with the lowered acidity fine means is juice from acid apples.

To children doctors at avitaminosis, an anemia recommend to drink apple juice. And it will be useful to adults after the postponed heart attack and other serious illness.

The regular use of juice from apples protects an organism from radiation, normalizes cardiac performance and reduces cholesterol level in blood. Freshly squeezed juice from apples has diuretic and cholagogue effect, increases vitality, strengthens immunity, refreshes and satisfies thirst, is fine prevention against formation of stones in kidneys.

At gout, atherosclerosis, disbolism and high intellectual loadings apple juice supports an organism and improves it. The advantage of apple juice also consists in destruction of microbes and improvement of a dream. Besides, it perfectly eliminates overeating effects.

At a diabetes mellitus it is better to use the juice which is squeezed out of green apples.

Use of apple juice

Apple juice is widely applied in cookery. From it cook drinks, jelly, mousses, sauces, kissels and sauces. Often apple juice is added to various cocktails and sorbet.Калорийность яблочного сока - 47 ккал на 100 г

There is a set of recipes of use of apple juice in traditional medicine. So, for dissolution in a gall bladder of stones and sand do the following: for three days daily drink 2 full glasses of juice every two hours. Begin to drink juice from 8 o'clock in the morning from one glass, and drink each two hours on two glasses till 8 in the evening inclusive.

At the same time no food in addition to juice is eaten. If there is no chair, then in the evening before going to bed it is necessary to accept infusion of laxative herbs, or to make an enema with warm water. Such method of disposal of stones in a gall bladder is quite difficult, but very effective. Certainly that it is necessary to be engaged in similar treatment only with the permission of the attending physician.

At locks drink apple juice on one glass before each meal, and juice of oven apples kills pains at gout.

Use apple juice not only in cookery and traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. For example, do face packs which remove erubescences on its basis.

Harm of apple juice

As well as any other juice, apple also you should not abuse. At its excessive use it can cause unpleasant feeling of weight in a stomach, abdominal distention and the increased gas generation, and also irritation of mucous membranes.

In the presence chronic diseases harm of apple juice will be obvious. In particular, it concerns people with cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammatory diseases of digestive tract and intestines.

Besides, you should not use too much undiluted juice, and it is better to dilute it with water or other juice: beet, carrot, grape, pumpkin, peach and others.

Harm from apple juice can be at such diseases as gastritis, stomach ulcer and a 12-perstny gut, pancreatitis.

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