Main > Diseases> Staphylococcus in a nose

Staphylococcus in a nose

Staphylococcus in a nose – an infectious disease which reason the spherical gram-positive bacterium of golden color – golden staphylococcus which place of localization are the mucous membrane of a nose, a stomatopharynx and a nasopharynx is.Стафилококк в носу - опасное инфекционное заболевание

Staphylococcus symptoms in a nose

Golden staphylococcus in a nose is a dangerous disease as its symptoms are shown unexpectedly and differently. At one patients staphylococcus symptoms in a nose are not shown in any way, and existence of an infection becomes known only after performance of bacterial crops. At other patients, on the contrary, symptoms are shown in the form of fervescence, reddening of an integument, emergence of pustules on skin and the general intoxication of an organism.

Symptoms of golden staphylococcus in a nose at children are abdominal pains, disturbances of work of digestive tract, meteorisms and emergence of rash. Dangerous the disease is for babies as emergence of pustules and intestinal gripes are added to the main symptoms.

Treatment of staphylococcus in a nose

Treatment of staphylococcus in a nose is necessary when the disease leads to inflammatory processes and developing of antritis, chronic or acute rhinitis. Its activity in an organism is caused by weakening of immunity. Treatment of staphylococcus in a nose has to be complex, that is consist of prolonged use of antibacterial drugs and immunomodulators.

Because of pathogenic character staphylococcus in a nose is infection quite hard to cure which quickly becomes steady against the accepted antibiotics that considerably complicates recovery process.

It is quite difficult to diagnose a disease in a healthy and strong organism therefore for prevention of emergence of staphylococcus in a nose doctors recommend to accept regularly the vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements necessary for a raising of vitality and replenishment of reserves of the exhausted human body.Оксациллин - антибиотик для лечения стафилококка в носу

In addition to traditional methods of treatment of staphylococcus in a nose there are several effective national recipes:

  • One glass of berries of blackcurrant (a dogrose or apricot pulp) needs to be crushed and pounded in gruel, to fill in 1 l of boiled water and to allow to infuse 15-20 minutes. To accept inside three times a day 250 ml of infusion for a month;
  • To part two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water, to put gauze tampons which need to be thrust for 10-15 min. into a nasal cavity in the received liquid;
  • · Medicinal to fill in four tablespoons of a dry comfrey with a glass of boiled water and to insist before full cooling of liquid. It is necessary to put gauze tampons which on 2-3 times a day to impose on the struck areas for 15 - 20 minutes in ready broth;
  • To fill in four tablespoons of dry leaves of a burdock with boiled water and to insist on an extent of 15 minutes. It is necessary to put gauze tampons which on 3-4 times a day to impose on the struck areas for 15 minutes in ready liquid. Also broth from a burdock for treatment of staphylococcus in a nose can be mixed with broth from a comfrey and to accept ready liquid inside on two glasses a day;
  • To fill in two teaspoons of a root of a purple cone-flower and a root of a burdock with four glasses of boiled water, to put on slow fire and for 20 min. to boil. To accept the received broth on three times a day in a warm look before disappearance of symptoms of a disease then three more days to drink broth on 1 glass a day;
  • Roots of a train, glycyrrhiza, hedysarum, alder cones and flowers of a camomile need to be mixed and crushed. Then two tablespoons of the received dry mix need to be filled in with a glass of boiled water, to put on weak fire and to boil on an extent of 10 min. To infuse the received broth on an extent of two hours, to filter and drink in one day in the equal portions;
  • On one teaspoon of dry birch kidneys, a thyme, turns, escapes of a Labrador tea and a grass of a yarrow to mix, fill in with two glasses of boiled water and to allow to infuse for two hours. Then liquid to filter and accept on a half-glass four times a day for 10 days;
  • (Fire grass) to wrap one tablespoon of a dry gold prickle in a gauze or fabric and to make a sack. Then to boil 1 liter of water in which for 1-2 min. it is necessary to lower a sack with a grass, then to get, and to accept the remained liquid for treatment of staphylococcus in a nose for 10 days in any quantity.
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