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Jack mackerel

Jack mackerel – small food gregarious fish of group okuneobrazny, living in the Atlantic Ocean, and during the period Zhora coming into the Black Sea. Reaches 50 cm long, about 400 g are powerful. Occasionally jumbos meet, it is powerful the reaching 2 kg. A body of a jack mackerel spindle-shaped, oblong, a little compressed on each side, with a thin tail stalk. A characteristic sign of a jack mackerel – bone guards on all length of a sideline of fish, in certain cases – with the thorns directed back. They are designed to protect fish from predators, without preventing it to bend, at the same time, a body at bystry swimming.

Ставрида свежая

Life of a jack mackerel seldom lasts more than 9 years. It eats a small small fish, zooplankton, cephalopod mollusks or Crustacea.

Black Sea jack mackerel

The Black Sea jack mackerel is subspecies of a jack mackerel Mediterranean, families queenfishes. It is eurysynusic across the Black Sea, meeting along its coast from May to October. Mass spawning of a "small" jack mackerel, up to 30 cm long falls on the middle of summer. The small fish differs in high fertility – each jack mackerel produces about 150-200 thousand berries. The Black Sea jack mackerel surpasses oceanic in the tastes, being used for preparation in fresh, boiled, salty and tinned types.

Useful properties of a jack mackerel

The jack mackerel possesses gentle meat without ossicles. Fat content of some individuals of a jack mackerel and is capable to reach in the fall 15% in the summer.

Caloric content of 100 grams of a jack mackerel - 114 kcal, from them proteins - 18,5 g, fats - 4,5 g.

This small, but tasty fish is a source of vitamins, micro and macrocells. Chemical composition of a jack mackerel:

  • Vitamin A (0,01 mg);
  • PP vitamin (7,3 mg);
  • Thiamin (B1 vitamin) – 0,17 mg;
  • Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin) – 0,12 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (B6 vitamin) – 0,1 mg;
  • Folic acid (B9 vitamin) - 10 mkg;
  • Vitamin C (1,5 mg);
  • Vitamin E (0,9 mg);
  • PP vitamin (10,7 mg).

The jack mackerel is a source the Omega-3 of fatty acid – a basis of healthy cardiovascular system, and also such elements as calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sulfur, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper, fluorine, chrome, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum.

The advantage of a jack mackerel is not exhausted by support of normal functioning of heart and vessels - the iodine which is available in its structure allows to improve work of a thyroid gland, to normalize a metabolism in an organism, to stabilize hemoglobin level in blood, and also to strengthen immunity and to increase intellectual potential.

High content of phosphorus - or as it is called still, "a cheerfulness element" favorably affects work of a nervous system, eliminating drowsiness, slackness and increasing working capacity and providing carrying out nervous impulses with a required speed.

Because of high mobility the jack mackerel contains a small amount of fat and is widely recommended by nutritionists as useful food at an atherosclerotic disease, ischemia, a hypertension, disbolism.

Ставрида сушеная

Harm of a jack mackerel

According to a number of specialists, as a part of meat of predatory fishes the increased amount of the mercury causing permanent neurologic disturbances contains. Therefore to abuse jack mackerel dishes it is not recommended to children and pregnant women.

Undressing a jack mackerel, surely delete her head: in this part of a carcass of fish the harmful substances which are contained in sea water collect.

At the use of a jack mackerel in food it is necessary to subject a carcass to careful temperature processing as any crude fish is a potential source of infection with many parasites.

Whether you know that:

Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.