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Calcium sulfate

Calcium sulfate (calcic salt of sulphuric acid) - the inorganic compound presented by colourless or light yellow crystals without accurately expressed smell with a rhombic structure of a lattice. SubstanceКристаллы сульфата кальция is not dissolved in ethanol. Solubility of calcium sulfate in water is insignificant and it only falls with increase in its temperature.

In the nature the content of calcium sulfate determines natural hardness of water.

In the environment calcium sulfate is presented by a dihydrate (gypsum, selenit). In an anhydrous state – mineral the anhydrite which is formed in sedimentary thicknesses as a result of natural dehydration of deposits of gypsum. Before use raw materials are purified of foreign impurity (strontium, silicates) and calcinated at a temperature of 110 degrees Celsius to provide release of gypsum from water. As a result it turns out гемигидрат which differently is called "the Parisian plaster".

Receiving calcium sulfate is commercially carried out by means of extraction of the substance which is in composition of natural minerals (selenit, gypsum, alabaster).

Also receiving calcium sulfate can happen in the synthetic way - reaction of alloyage of CaCl2 (Calcium chloratum) to K2SO4 (potassium sulfate).

Chemical formula of substance - CaSO4.

It is registered as E516 nutritional supplement.

Calcium sulfate use

The mineral consisting of a dihydrate of calcium sulfate (gypsum) has long history of the use: the first references concerning use of substance are dated 1961 in the field of a clinical use. Those years material was used at recovery of various injuries of a bone of a tubercular and traumatic origin. According to messages of specialists, calcium sulfate rezorbirovatsya completely in five weeks.

MaterialВ окружающей среде сульфат кальция представлен гипсом really has ability to a full rassasyvaniye under natural conditions thanks to what with success it is used in stomatology, implantology, orthopedics.

In the food industry calcium sulfate is applied as additive-emulsifier (the substance providing creation of emulsions from other obviously not mixing up liquids), a hardener, a dehumidifier, an improver of bread and flour, a coagulant. The fault is used in production of tofu cheese, beer, confectionery, dietary supplements, tinned vegetables (for acidulation of a must). Often calcium sulfate is added to foodstuff as salt substitute.

In addition to the food industry calcium sulfate is used in medicine, construction. The crystals of sulfate calcium created artificially alloyed by manganese and samarium are applied as thermoluminescent material.

Influence on health

By results of numerous researches and observations nutritional supplement calcium sulfate was recognized harmless and allowed for the use, both in food, and in the medical purposes. The most admissible norm of consumption of calcium sulfate is also not established.

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