Main > Drugs> Theophedrinum


Theophedrinum – the combined medicine having bronchodilatory and spasmolytic effect. Bronkhofilin, T-Fedrin and Trifedrin IS are considered as analogs of Theophedrinum.

Form of release and structure of Theophedrinum

Теофедрин – комбинированный лекарственный препарат, оказывающий бронхорасширяющее и спазмолитическое действие. As a part of Theophedrinum prevail theophylline anhydrous (0,1 g), phenobarbital (20 mg), ephedrine a hydrochloride (20 mg), caffeine anhydrous (50 mg), paracetamol (0,2 mg), extract of a belladonna dense (3 mg), cytisine (0,1 mg).

In addition to the main operating components, are a part of Theophedrinum cellulose microcrystallic, potato starch, sodium of a kroskarmelloz, calcium stearate, aerosil, пласдон S-630, talc.

Pharmacological action of Theophedrinum

Theophedrinum and analogs of Theophedrinum promote relaxation of unstriated muscles of bronchial tubes. At action of this means the gleam of bronchial tubes increases, vessels of lungs extend, the frequency and force of cordial reductions increases, the cordial blood stream increases. Drug causes antiinflammatory action, has M-holinoblokiruyushchey activity and moderate diuretic effect. Caffeine as a part of Theophedrinum eliminates feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, stimulates the psychomotor centers of a brain, strengthens action of analgetics, has analeptical effect.

Non-narcotic analgesic paracetamol as a part of drug blocks TsOG in the central nervous system, and also influences the centers of thermal control and pain. Phenobarbital has myorelaxation and spasmolytic effect. Phenobarbital as a part of Theophedrinum provides long and soft sedative action, and also adjusts a psychoemotional condition of the patient with a bronkhoobstruktivny syndrome of various origin.

Ephedrine the hydrochloride stimulates adrenoceptors of bronchial tubes, causing their expansion and increasing excitability of a respiratory center. The respiratory analeptic cytisine reflex stimulates a respiratory center with the strengthened impulses which arrive from carotid balls.

Extract of a belladonna contains alkaloids of group of atropin, renders the anesthetizing and spasmolytic effect.

Indications to use of Theophedrinum

In the instruction to Theophedrinum it is specified that this drug can be used for treatment of bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis in a chronic form. Use of drug is pertinent also at emphysema of lungs.

The instruction to use

According to the instruction adult patients should accept Theophedrinum inside on 0,5-1 tablet once a day. If necessary the daily dose can be increased three times. Also increase in a single dose of Theophedrinum is admissible (two tablets of drug to three times a day). To children from two to five years appoint 0,25-0,5 tablets, to children from six to twelve years – on 0,5-0,75 tablets. Theophedrinum should be accepted in the morning or in the afternoon. The doctor has to establish duration of treatment.

Contraindications to use of Theophedrinum

Theophedrinum and analogs of Theophedrinum are contraindicated at sleep disorders, atherosclerosis of brain and coronary vessels, convulsive conditions, serious illnesses of heart, glaucoma, a hyperthyroidism, liver diseases. It is impossible to accept Theophedrinum during pregnancy or feeding by a breast, and also at hypersensitivity to components of this means.

Features of use of Theophedrinum

Theophedrinum cannot be accepted in the evening as the usual condition of a dream can be broken. For administration of drug it is necessary to exclude alcohol intake completely.

With care it is necessary to use this drug in treatment at a diabetes mellitus. Because of activity of drug glucose level in chemical composition of blood increases. During reception of this means it is necessary to limit occupations intellectual, work and driving of vehicles.

Side effects of Theophedrinum amplify at combined use of drug with beta adrenoblockers, indirect anticoagulants, ftorkhinolona, furosemide, Cimetidinum, carbamazepine, verapamil, antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, MAO inhibitors.

Теофедрин способствует расслаблению гладких мышц бронховParacetamol as a part of Theophedrinum can lead to organism intoxication at combined use with inductors of enzymes of a liver and barbiturates. Ephedrine weakens efficiency of tranquilizers and analgetics. Broncholitic action of means decreases at one-time reception with beta adrenoblockers.

Rifampicin reduces concentration of theophylline in blood, and Oleandomycinum, ciprofloxacin and erythromycin raise it. Theophedrinum reduces medical effect of doxycycline and its absorption. Use of Theophedrinum in treatment in combination with lincomycin is unacceptable.

It is necessary to avoid joint reception of Theophedrinum with antiepileptic and psychotropic drugs. The effect of anti-hypertensive drugs, oral contraceptives and antidepressants at joint reception with Theophedrinum usually decreases, and the effect of somnolent and diuretic drugs can increase.

Side effect of Theophedrinum

During treatment by Theophedrinum emergence of pain in epigastric area, vomitings, nausea, tachycardias, a tremor, sleeplessness, difficulty of an urination is possible.

At overdose of Theophedrinum the nystagmus, an ataxy, a headache, weakness, disturbance of cordial activity and a lowering of arterial pressure, convulsive attacks, the increased sweating, nervous excitement are possible.

At overdose the gastric lavage is shown. It is also necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy at constant control behind the main vital functions of an organism (breath, pulse, level of arterial pressure).

Storage conditions

The drug Theophedrinum should be stored in the place protected from light at a temperature from 15 to 25 °C.

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