Main > Medical terms> Akhiliya of a stomach

Akhiliya of a stomach

Akhiliya of a stomach (achylia gastrica; and - – otritsa. Greek chylos – juice is frequent +; synonym: an apepsia) – morbid condition; it is characterized by lack of release of free hydrochloric acid and enzymes a mucous membrane of a stomach.

Allocate the following types of an akhiliya of a stomach:

  • Histamine-resistant – remains at secretion stimulation by a histamine;
  • Idiopathic (used up.; idiopathica) – arises because of inborn functional weakness of the ferruterous device of a stomach;
  • Organic (organica) – is caused by an irreversible damage of gastric glands; it is observed against the background of atrophic gastritis (primary akhiliya of a stomach organic), and also at intoxications, new growths and other diseases (a secondary akhiliya of a stomach organic);
  • Functional (functionalis) – a temporary akhiliya of a stomach; develops without organic lesions of the ferruterous device of a stomach; it is most often caused by reflex inhibition of gastric secretion.
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