Blastomere (blastomerus; Greek blastos – a sprout, a germ + Greek meros – a part) – the general name of the embryonic cells arising when crushing egg by means of mitotic division and which are characterized by lack of growth.
If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.
Dietary supplements (dietary supplements) for the last decades were so thoroughly included into our life that, apparently, it is already impossible on...
Section: Articles about healthVisit of doctors – business not the most pleasant, and many people do not hurry to undergo necessary planned inspections. Such behavior is extremely thoughtless and improvident. Our health is necessary not only to us: wellbeing of darlings, children, grandsons and престар...
Section: Articles about healthTuberculosis – a serious infectious disease which development is caused by mycobacteria (Koch's bacilli). The illness is known from an extreme antiquity. Long time fight against it was considered as ineffective. Quite often the disease affected the whole families, and mortality from it was very high. It became the reason of emergence of a set of delusions concerning transmissibility and a possibility of treatment of tuberculosis....
Section: Articles about healthThe word "onikhokriptoz" is unfamiliar to most of people, meanwhile quite so physicians call very widespread problem: growing...
Section: Articles about healthChildbirth is the most important event in life of each woman. We are women we give birth to the new little man on this light. Now the tendency to that was outlined, as men want to participate in labor too. But there is a question and whether it is worth allowing the husband...
Section: Articles about healthThe saying "the rich do not know how the other half lives" is known to all. In a broad sense it is that we can not always understand the person whose features of a state are unknown to us. If with physiological characters of diseases the situation is more or less clearly (having noticed them, we realize that to the person nezdorovitsya), then with symptoms of the illnesses affecting the mental sphere everything is much more difficult. Not absolutely usual behavior is quite often perceived surrounding as a ridiculous eccentricity, or that much ху...
Section: Articles about healthHeart disease and blood vessels lead to disturbance of blood supply of bodies and fabrics that involves failures in their works...
Section: Articles about healthSo, you resolved to lose weight. And now you try to understand what to begin with: from exercise stresses or a diet? And how to make that process of weight loss did not give you an inconvenience, and, on the contrary, brought joy?...
Section: SlideshowFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from the menu all dishes containing fats without having at the same time a clear idea of a role of these substances in exchange processes, and of effects for health with which food restrictions of this sort are fraught. For what the human body needs fats and as their deficit in a diet is shown, we also will try to find out....
Section: Articles about healthVenereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they are so...
Section: Articles about health"Epilepsy" doctors made the diagnosis in antique times. Displays of an illness and pattern of its development are very well studied. However for nonspecialists this disease remains to not less mysterious, than in the ancient time. Many delusions are connected with epilepsy...
Section: Articles about healthThe drugs stopping or oppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms are widely applied in clinical practice from 40th years of the last century. Originally antibiotics were called only substances natural (animal, vegetable or microbic) origins, but over time this concept extended, and it includes also semi-synthetic and completely artificial antibacterial drugs....
Section: Articles about healthSeason of activity of viral infections in the heat. Everyone can get sick, but probability of this unpleasant event it is possible and it is necessary miny...
Section: Articles about healthLife expectancy in various regions of Earth is not identical. Social stability, economic wellbeing, availability and level of medical care, household comfort, literacy of the population in the field of observance sanitary гигиен exert impact on it...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of mankind contains several tens of epidemics whose emergence was compared by eyewitnesses and historians to doomsday. The most terrible of them claimed the lives of millions of people, having made even the whole people to the person of the earth. What they − the diseases striking terror? Whether it managed to the person to find treatment, or he is still powerless before forces of nature?...
Section: Articles about healthCold – a state known to everyone which is followed by cold, cough, high temperature, a pharyngalgia. Often перво...
Section: Articles about healthColor of plants is caused by presence at them of certain chemical compounds. Let's talk about what is meant by various colors of vegetables and fruit and what properties they give them....
Section: Articles about healthThe words "disease" and "patient" not without reason come from one root – "pain". As a rule, symptoms of illnesses thoroughly spoil to patients life. However from this rule there are exceptions. Some diseases are shown by signs which can cause even positive emotions. It is a pity only that the majority of such illnesses are heavy and incurable....
Section: Articles about healthPeople know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one and...
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of improvement of a condition of the patients at administration of drugs who are not containing active agents, so-called effect of placebo is known long ago. At the end of the 18th century the American doctor Perkins began to treat people the "miracle" sticks made of a spl...
Section: Articles about healthEKO, or extracorporal fertilization - a method of treatment of infertility which became the reason of a set of broken-down copies in due time accused the people working on its creation neither more nor less of rivalry good luck. Already very few people deny the right of a method for existence, and to surprise nobody with "children from a test tube". And nevertheless, a certain magic in the procedure of artificial fertilization is, process of origin of new life is always a secret, and even it р now...
Section: Articles about healthSince the moment when the child becomes a school student, his sight begins to be exposed to the strengthened loadings which are supplemented viewing...
Section: Articles about healthTick-borne encephalitis – one of the most dangerous viral diseases which causative agents transfer and is given to people by ixodic mites. These are the small blood-sicking insects living in the considerable territory of our country. The person bitten by a tick can catch...
Section: Articles about healthThe main role in development of a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum the bacterium Helikobakter plays pilor. Activity and the strengthened reproduction of this microorganism lead to weakening of protection of mucous membranes and their erosive damage. Displays of an illness seriously reduce quality of life: patients regularly test attacks of severe pain, heartburn, nausea. On this background also psychoemotional malfunctions develop: a kidney-vetch, as a rule, shows an acrimony, ча...
Section: Articles about healthThe cosmetics intended for improvement of a condition of skin, nails and hair are used by each woman. Expenses on регуля...
Section: Articles about healthSome people consider what for medicine of the 21st century of secrets in the field of health of the person almost does not exist. It absolutely not so. The more answers scientists receive, the more the most difficult questions are raised for them by life. Besides, there are diseases, not объясн in any way...
Section: Articles about healthIt is possible to find the extensive range of fruit and vegetables in modern shops. Russians already got used that on counters there is not only a seasonal domestic production, but the vegetables and fruit which are grown up in the countries with more comfortable conditions of cultivation at all seasons of the year. However what we see in shops and in the vegetable markets, is only a small part of those edible plants with which the nature is so rich. Today we want to acquaint the reader with rare and very useful vegetables which on...
Section: Articles about health