Main > Medical terms> Twin(s)


The twin(s) (geminus, - i; gemellus, - i) – two and more children (cub) who were born from one pregnancy; the term is used in relation to the person and those species of mammals which are characterized odnoplodiy.

Types of twins:

  • Biovular (synonym: twins dizygotic) – each of which developed from a separate zygote;
  • Uniovular (synonym: twins monozygotic) – developed from one zygote which at the first stages of crushing was divided on two or more forming an embryo;
  • Parasitic [(g. parasiticus; parasitus – LNE (The Leningrad embryological nomenclature)] – the underdeveloped twin (one or several) who is on a surface or in a body of other fruit;
  • Connected [(g. conjuncti – LNE (The Leningrad embryological nomenclature); a synonym the Siamese] – which are connected among themselves, owing to their abnormal development, by any part of a body.
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