
Wart (verruca) – the new growth of skin of high-quality character having an appearance of a nipple or a small knot which basis is proliferation of cells of a papillary layer of a derma and epidermis; it is caused by a virus of papilloma of the person from the family of Papova viruses which is transferred in the contact way.

Types of warts:

  • Sharp-pointed (acuminata; synonym: a condyloma sharp-pointed) – the most often located in mezhjyagodichny and inguinal folds, and also on skin of generative organs the wart representing the formation of pink color in a form reminding a cauliflower inflorescence on the narrowed basis;
  • Flat (plana; synonym: a wart youthful) – the wart which is placed on the back of brushes and on a face at young people in the form of the small flattened roundish papule which is a little acting over the level of the skin surrounding it and not different from it on color;
  • Dense (outdated; dura) – the general name for a flat and simple wart;
  • Bottom (plantaris; synonym: a wart horn) – the simple wart of a mozolevidny form which is characterized by morbidity and placed in places of the largest pressure on soles with papillary vegetations under horn masses;
  • Simple (vulgaris; synonym: the wart ordinary) – is more often localized on brushes, a wart in the form of the grayish dense small knot (with a diameter up to 0,5 cm) having a rough surface;
  • Soft (mollis) – the outdated general name developing on skin at a nevus and diseases of Recklinghausen of the tumorous pigmented educations.
Whether you know that:

During sneezing our organism completely stops working. Even heart stops.