Main > Medical terms> Bronchiectasia


Bronchiectasia (bronchoectasis; broncho-(bronkho-); Greek bronchos – a windpipe; the prefix designating communication with bronchial tubes + Greek ektasis – expansion) – noted at anomalies of development of a bronchial tree or inflammatory and dystrophic changes of walls, expansion of limited sites of bronchial tubes.

Allocate a bronchiectasia:

  • Atelectatic: differing in uniform expansion of many bronchial branches and forming in a zone of extensive atelectases of lungs; the parenchyma of lungs at an atelectatic bronchiectasia takes a form of bee cells;
  • Atrophic: characterized by thinning and an atrophy of walls of expanded sites of a bronchial tube;
  • Varicose (synonym: bronchiectasia chetkoobrazny): the sites having a normal gleam alternate with expanded sites of a bronchial tube;
  • Spindle-shaped: gradual transition of a venter of a gleam of a bronchial tube to the site of the usual size is observed;
  • Inborn: forming in the first days of life of the newborn or in the pre-natal period and belonging to anomalies of development of a bronchial tree (generally lower lung lobes);
  • Hypertrophic: characterized by a hypertrophy of muscular and mucous covers of a bronchial tube, and also their increased thickness;
  • Destructive (synonyms: the cavity is endobronkhitichesky, a cavity bronkhoektatichesky, a cavity bronchogenic): as a rule, meshotchaty, appearing at suppuration of a bronchial tube and the fabrics adjoining to it;
  • Dysplastic (synonym: bronchiectasia of dizontogeneticheskiya): forming in the first years of life of the child as a result of congenital anomaly of a stroma of a lung and the supporting cartilaginous skeleton of a bronchial tree;
  • Meshotchaty: a bronchiectasia which has the bag form;
  • Acute: appearing as a result of sharp decrease in a tone of a wall of a bronchial tube or as a complication of the acute destructive process proceeding in a lung;
  • Postbronkhitichesky: arising at completion of course of chronic bronchitis in connection with dystrophic disturbances of walls of bronchial tubes, or at the end of course of an acute bronchitis owing to disturbance of a tone of a wall of a bronchial tube or its purulent fusion;
  • Post-stenotic (Latin the post-prefix – behind, after + Greek stenosis – narrowing): formed because of an atony of walls and stagnation of slime distalny places of a bronchostenosis at a bronchostenosis;
  • Retentsionny: arising at bronchial tube wall stretching a bronchial secret or in connection with loss of its tone (for example, at a mucoviscidosis);
  • Dry: characterized by lack of pus or a secret and expressed dry cough or, in rare instances, a pneumorrhagia;
  • Cylindrical: a bronchiectasia which has the cylinder form.
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