
Bubo (bubo; lat. a tumor, from Greek bubon – a groin, a tumor in a groin) – the superficial lymph node increased owing to inflammatory process.

Allocate a bubo:

  • Tulyaremiyny (tularaemicus): the bubo differing in formation of a periadenitis and slow process of healing often proceeding with suppuration, developing of ulcers and fistulas; it is observed at a tularemia;
  • Tulyaremiyny secondary (tularaemicus secundarius): the bubo is tulyaremiyny, arising owing to a hematogenous drift of the activator, located far off from the place of penetration of an infection;
  • Tulyaremiyny primary (tularaemicus primarius): the bubo is tulyaremiyny, arising owing to hit of the activator in the lymph nodes which are regional in relation to the place of penetration of an infection;
  • Plague secondary (malignus secundarius, pestilentialis secundarius): the bubo arising at plague owing to a hematogenous drift in lymph nodes of the activator unlike primary bubo plague is characterized by lack of a direct connection with the site of penetration of the activator moderated by a periadenitis and the medium-sized sizes;
  • Plague primary (malignus primarius, pestilentialis primarius): the bubo of the big size which is forming at a bubonic or skin and bubonic form of plague owing to penetration of a contagium into the lymph nodes which are regional in relation to entrance infection atriums, differing in the expressed necrosis centers at an extensive periadenitis and sharp pain;
  • Plague primary second order: the bubo arising at plague owing to a lymphogenous drift of the activator from primary bubo on the lymph flow course in the following group of lymph nodes; different from primary plague bubo smaller expressiveness of a necrosis and bradygenesis.
  • Tulyaremiyny secondary (tularaemicus secundarius): the bubo is tulyaremiyny, arising owing to a hematogenous drift of the activator, located far off from the place of penetration of an infection;
  • Tulyaremiyny primary (tularaemicus primarius): the bubo is tulyaremiyny, arising owing to hit of the activator in the lymph nodes which are regional in relation to the place of penetration of an infection;
  • Plague secondary (malignus secundarius, pestilentialis secundarius): the bubo arising at plague owing to a hematogenous drift in lymph nodes of the activator unlike primary bubo plague is characterized by lack of a direct connection with the site of penetration of the activator moderated by a periadenitis and the medium-sized sizes;
  • Plague primary (malignus primarius, pestilentialis primarius): the bubo of the big size which is forming at a bubonic or skin and bubonic form of plague owing to penetration of a contagium into the lymph nodes which are regional in relation to entrance infection atriums, differing in the expressed necrosis centers at an extensive periadenitis and sharp pain;
  • Plague primary second order: the bubo arising at plague owing to a lymphogenous drift of the activator from primary bubo on the lymph flow course in the following group of lymph nodes; different from primary plague bubo smaller expressiveness of a necrosis and bradygenesis.
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