Galvanization (by name the Italian doctor of L. Galvani, 1737-1798) in medicine – use of the constant, not changing in time, electric current of small force (to 50 мА) and the low tension (30-80 V) with the medical purpose.
Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.
About 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only on перв...
Section: Articles about healthWe present to yours the TOP of the medicamentous means exerting the stimulating impact on a potentiality, i.e. on ability of the man to commission of sexual intercourse. At once it is necessary to tell that not always disturbances of erectile function can be eliminated with reception of t...
Section: Articles about healthHigh temperature - a frequent symptom of such widespread diseases as a SARS, quinsy, pneumonia, etc. To reduce heat, having facilitated a condition of the patient, doctors recommend to accept antipyretics, however their use is not always possible. Too frequent use of these drugs can lead to allergic reactions, and also overdose, causing poisoning. It happens also that there are no antipyretics simply in the house. In these situations it is pertinent to use it...
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that our country is one of the most "drinking" in the world. At clear understanding of that the use of strong...
Section: Articles about healthAn eye of the person daily experiences considerable strain. The problem of preservation of sight is for many years directly connected with a question of supply of tissues of eye enough oxygen and nutrients. This task is carried out by small vessels – capillaries. For holes...
Section: Articles about healthIt is known that the person for 80% consists of water which participates in all processes of an organism. The person loses liquid daily – as a result of sweating, breath, an urination, and its insufficient completion due to various reasons can lead to dehydration of varying severity. Dehydration (dehydration) occurs already in case of loss of liquid in number of 1% of body weight and can result both in easy thirst, and by the death. In time to notice signs обезвож...
Section: Articles about healthAbout influence of fasting days on an organism it is told much – both about advantages, and about shortcomings. It is considered that fasting day...
Section: Articles about healthAmong a set of the perfumery and cosmetic goods which are released today the special group is made by the means containing antibacterial components. Such types of gels, shampoos, soaps, creams, lotions and other products are positioned by manufacturers as a panacea...
Section: Articles about healthIn consciousness of our many compatriots idea that folk remedies if are no more effective, than medicinal "chemistry" strongly took roots, then are precisely less harmful. Unfortunately, it is not always fair: some methods of treatment consecrated with "century national experience" can work so on the patient that it will need urgent intervention of physicians....
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed serious hormonal...
Section: Articles about healthThe majority of gynecologic diseases prove three main signs, each of which speaks about need of a visit to the gynecologist. Certainly, it is possible to establish the exact diagnosis only after inspection, but on the basis of some signs it is possible пр...
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern woman is very difficult. Opportunities to realize itself are wide: it not only education and career, but also the most various hobbies from sport before needlework. It is not less important to build private life, paying an attention maximum to children, the husband, parents, friends. For all these affairs there is catastrophically not enough time therefore each of us tries to cut down as far as possible its expenses on necessary, but not the most fascinating housework. With it we are successfully helped by means...
Section: Articles about healthDark circles (bruises) under eyes – a shortcoming with most of which often fight against the help of cosmetics (proofreaders, salons...
Section: Articles about healthFor residents of the countries of Southeast Asia various algas are an obligatory component of a daily diet. Their popularity is connected not only with high tastes, but also with numerous curative properties. Russians are a little familiar with...
Section: Articles about healthSeason of activity of viral infections in the heat. Everyone can get sick, but probability of this unpleasant event it is possible and it is necessary to minimize. There is a number of rules, following to which will help or to avoid absolutely infection with flu or a SARS, or to have an illness benign and without essential complications. About ways of prevention of seasonal infections the speech in this article will also go....
Section: Articles about healthThe next flu epidemic leads to the next panic, from year to year we give in on these manipulations: professionally alarming goal...
Section: Articles about healthThe nature does not stand stagnation and monotony. It is known that tissues of a human body atrophy if do not receive necessary loadings. It fully belongs also to a cerebral cortex: when it is not given full-time job, it begins to function worse. In резуль...
Section: Articles about healthIt is difficult to revaluate importance of kidneys for an organism. These bodies not only perform work on purification of blood of decomposition products and removal of excess liquid. They are responsible also for production of some hormones necessary for maintenance of a normality of a bone tissue, and also for a producing red blood cells – erythrocytes....
Section: Articles about healthLife activity of one-celled fungi of the sort Candida is a proximate cause of development of candidiasis (milkwoman), it is related...
Section: Articles about healthAt this plant there are a lot of names: tuberiferous sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, solar root, earth pear. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exotic plant at all. The wild girasol grows in a midland of Russia practically everywhere: at the edges of roads...
Section: Articles about healthThe unpleasant feelings connected with spring breakdown are familiar almost to each of us. Often happens that in March-April on the person weakness leans: he suffers from drowsiness, complains of bad mood, loss of interest in life and failures in affairs....
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern child is extremely active and difficult. Information strain which is experienced by the school student and did not dream the pupil...
Section: Articles about healthWhen overcomes feeling of hunger, and an opportunity to have dinner fully is absent, having a snack − the meals, small on volume, stabilizing sugar level in blood comes to the rescue. The relation of nutritionists to having a snack is more often negative, but only because in кач...
Section: Articles about healthThe fatigue, sleep debt, disturbances of food, bad mood, vagaries of the weather – all these circumstances badly affect our appearance. Especially the person suffers: skin becomes flabby, loses healthy color, becomes covered by wrinkles, zones of hypostases and dark circles under eyes appear. It is not always possible to be saved from influence of aggressive factors, but we are quite able to minimize its effects. For this purpose usually apply the cosmetics and procedures helping увлаж...
Section: Articles about healthUrogenital candidiasis (milkwoman) – a fungal infection which annoys unpleasant feelings in the field of generative organs, сопр...
Section: Articles about healthHealth and attractiveness - eternal values, pursuing which people often use the most unusual ingredients and technicians. Let's consider 11 most exotic and sometimes not most pleasant Spa procedures to which the person in a pursuit for beauty agrees...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as the most useful and the most suitable for inclusion in a morning meal. Unfortunately, it is not true: these 10 products do not suit for breakfasts at all....
Section: Articles about health