Hematoma (haematoma; Greek haimatos, haima – blood + Greek - Uma – оконч. in the name of tumors; synonym: a tumor blood) – limited accumulation of blood in fabrics with formation in them of a cavity which contains the turned or liquid blood.
According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.
People know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one and...
Section: Articles about healthTuberculosis – a serious infectious disease which development is caused by mycobacteria (Koch's bacilli). The illness is known from an extreme antiquity. Long time fight against it was considered as ineffective. Quite often the disease affected the whole families, and mortality from it was very much...
Section: Articles about healthLife activity of one-celled fungi of the sort Candida, related to yeast is a proximate cause of development of candidiasis (milkwoman). Normal these microorganisms are a part of the microflora living in an oral cavity and intestines of most of people and also in a female genital tract. The pathological phenomena are observed when fungi begin to breed too violently. At the same time there is an inflammatory process affecting mucous membranes and which is shown very nepr...
Section: Articles about healthThe drugs stopping or oppressing life activity of pathogenic microorganisms are widely applied in clinical practice with 4...
Section: Articles about healthTurnip, radish, horse-radish – once these and other products enjoyed wide popularity at our ancestors, being not only the food sating an organism but also the medicines curing of many diseases. Unfortunately, having given the use of some of them...
Section: Articles about healthUse of medicinal plants in therapy is urgent today, more than ever. The drugs made of curative herbs cannot replace completely modern synthetic drugs, but their use becomes frequent serious help in simplification of a course of many illnesses and improvement of quality of life of chronic patients....
Section: Articles about healthCondition of lips (their morbidity, outward) – one of indicators of health of the person. Peeling, dryness, pallor, and also трещ...
Section: Articles about healthBeauty shop – the place which is associated only with positive emotions: joy, pleasure, relaxation. However visit of salon where work with biological material of clients, not always harmlessly is conducted. Today it is known Bol...
Section: Articles about healthThe summer of this year in Russia was very ambiguous. Regions suffered from a merciless heat, from pouring rains, the hail from time to time dropped out, then there was again a heat which alternated with rainfall again. Many people suffer from such sharp changes of weather. Even flu epidemics and a SARS were recorded....
Section: Articles about healthPhysical activity is necessary for normal functioning of a human body. At a lack of the movement cease функц...
Section: Articles about healthNew year, wedding, birthday, office party – an occasion to drink at the Russian person will always be. How to reduce a negative impact of alcohol by an organism and to avoid a condition of strong intoxication? The most correct council – to refuse the use spirits напитк...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of cultivation of a buckwheat contains more than five thousand years. Grain which is received from this plant is used for preparation of porridges, soups, baked puddings and puddings, do flour which is one of the main ingredients of the noodles popular in many countries of it. Buckwheat dishes are useful and tasty, they are perfectly combined with meat, milk, eggs, mushrooms, fruit and vegetables....
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed serious hormonal...
Section: Articles about healthCystitis, or inflammation of a mucous membrane of a bladder, this very widespread disease which, owing to some features of a structure of bodies of urinogenital system, women have approximately four times more often than men. In the main risk group...
Section: Articles about healthThe nature does not stand stagnation and monotony. It is known that tissues of a human body atrophy if do not receive necessary loadings. It fully belongs also to a cerebral cortex: when it is not given full-time job, it begins to function worse. As a result memory decreases, the person becomes less bright, acquires information more slowly, hardly switches from one thought to another. There are problems at work, difficulties with communication and career development. These it is unpleasant...
Section: Articles about healthEKO, or extracorporal fertilization - a method of treatment of infertility which became the reason of a set broken mines in due time...
Section: Articles about healthHemorrhoids – extremely widespread disease. Periodically arising inflammations and bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodes cause serious discomfort to nearly fifteen percent of adults. Meanwhile, having a clear idea of the aggravation reasons...
Section: Articles about healthVenereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they and are called - infections, sexually transmitted, or STD. Among them is also life-threatening. In spite of the fact that the majority of diseases such will respond to treatment, they are widespread everywhere, and there is no tendency to decrease in incidence. Besides, some of them promptly look younger: statistically, a third of young people at the age of 16-22 years of a str...
Section: Articles about healthFor the city dweller the fitness is the most convenient sport. It is enough to acquire the subscription to the gym to receive to a toast...
Section: Articles about healthStroke (acute disorder of cerebral circulation) – one of the most widespread neurologic diseases. Annually in the world more than 6 million people die of this illness. From the survived patients about 80% become disabled people, and nearly a thirds from them впо...
Section: Articles about healthThe cosmetics intended for improvement of a condition of skin, nails and hair are used by each woman. Expenses on regular acquisition of the fashionable widely advertized products of well-known companies for many become very notable and significantly burden the family budget. Meanwhile, there is a number of inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs which can quite be applied in the cosmetic purposes. At the same time the effect of their use is often more noticeable, than result of use of the most expensive...
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. To wide circulation of these illnesses extremely with...
Section: Articles about healthThe popular expression "run from a heart attack" became the motto of the people supporting active lifestyle. Moreover, run became a peculiar fashionable tendency: sales of racetracks and the accompanying goods for run are at permanently high level. Really...
Section: Articles about healthFor residents of the countries of Southeast Asia various algas are an obligatory component of a daily diet. Their popularity is connected not only with high tastes, but also with numerous curative properties. Russians are a little familiar with products such that is distressing: algas are so useful that they should be eaten as often as possible. Let's get acquainted closer with useful properties of this seafood....
Section: Articles about healthFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from with...
Section: Articles about healthMaternal milk is the best food for the newborn. It is the unique natural product containing an optimum set of nutrients, and which is best adapted in order that the baby normally developed and it was protected from harmful fa...
Section: Articles about healthAll like to sing. Small children with pleasure are engaged in a vocal, not especially thinking of hit in a melody. Adults most often hesitate, being afraid to show lack of talents in this area, and it is vain: singing is very useful for health....
Section: Articles about health