Main > Medical terms> Hemiplegia


Hemiplegia (hemiplegia; Greek hemi-– a floor - unilateral, half + plege – defeat, blow) – unilateral paralysis of muscles of a body.

Types of a hemiplegia:

  • Alternating (alternans; synonym: paralysis alternating) – the hemiplegia of extremities observed on the party opposite to the pathological center; on the party of an arrangement of the center it is combined with damage of cranial nerves;
  • Sluggish (flaccida) – proceeding with decrease in a muscle tone; develops, as a rule, owing to hemilesion of front horns of the spinal cord which is localized at the level of lumbar and cervical thickenings or defeat of the structures of a trunk of a brain stabilizing a muscle tone;
  • Ipsilateralny (ipsilateralis; synonym: a hemiplegia gomolateralny) – the central hemiplegia observed on the party of pathological process; it is noted at damage of the spinal cord located at the level of verkhnesheyny department;
  • Hysterical (hysterica) – characterized by lack of changes of reflexes and disturbances of a muscle tone; it is observed at hysteria;
  • Cross (cruciata; synonym: a hemiplegia crosswise) – a combination of the central paralyzes of one leg and opposite hand; it is noted at hemilesion of the myelencephalon located at the level of decussation of pyramidal ways;
  • Spinal (spinalis) – the hemiplegia of extremities observed on the party of the pathological center which is in side cords of upper cervical part of a spinal cord with defeat of pyramidal ways;
  • Central (centralis; synonym: the hemiplegia spastic) – proceeding with pathological reflexes, a hyperreflexia, increase in a muscle tone, is noted at hemilesion of pyramidal ways.
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There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.