Hemophthalmia (haemophthalmus; Greek haima – blood + Greek ophthalmos – an eye) – the hemorrhage noted in an eyeglobe cavity (in a vitreous).
If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.
All are familiar with cold, and practically everyone believes that he has sufficient knowledge and experience that correctly to treat it. N...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of use of an anesthesia during operations contains more than 160 years. Annually in the world hundreds of thousands of surgical interventions during which to patients the substances immersing them in a dream and saving from pain are entered are carried out. Using an anesthesia to these...
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of improvement of a condition of the patients at administration of drugs who are not containing active agents, so-called effect of placebo is known long ago. At the end of the 18th century the American doctor Perkins began to treat people the "miracle" sticks made of alloy of steel and brass. Was for several minutes to press such subject enough to a sore point that it became much easier for the patient. Having suspected Perkins of charlatanism, his colleagues tried to repeat "miracle" by means of sticks, steles...
Section: Articles about healthThe saying "the rich do not know how the other half lives" is known to all. In a broad sense it is that we can not always understand the person, about...
Section: Articles about healthZone hypostases under eyes - very widespread problem giving to people is a lot of inconvenience. Hypodermic fabric in these parts has very loose structure and almost does not contain collagenic fibers. Besides, the skin covering подглазья constantly is exposed...
Section: Articles about healthWood louse – the ordinary-looking unpretentious plant extended in all territory of our country. It quickly expands, and sometimes fills sites, bringing a lot of chagrin to gardeners. Perhaps, they would be upset less if knew that the wood louse is valuable medicinal raw materials. A, C and E vitamins, organic acids, tannins, wax, saponins, lipids, mineral salts and essential oils are its part....
Section: Articles about healthThe pancreas performs two functions in a human body: release of enzymes without which digestion carbohydrate is impossible...
Section: Articles about healthWhite teeth and the Hollywood smile – a dream of many people. Long time was considered that the plaque on teeth and change of their color – destiny of those who incorrectly eat smokes and badly brushes teeth. But the paradox is available: at everything the variety of toothpastes existing today...
Section: Articles about healthAlmost each of us during life faced dissatisfaction with own body. At such moments, as a rule, we begin to shame ourselves, urgently we go on the most rigid diet promising minus of 10 kg in a week, or we exhaust ourselves in the gym to almost death. As a rule, similar attempts come to an end with a campaign to the refrigerator for jamming of the next stress. Further history repeats itself with individual frequency....
Section: Articles about healthThe stroke is one of the most widespread diseases of the person, annually in the world about 6 million cases эт are registered...
Section: Articles about healthNot everyone can brag of the shining Hollywood smile. Even the person who is regularly visiting the stomatologist and watching of oral cavities over health periodically has problems: enamel of teeth darkens under the influence of some products, on it I accumulate...
Section: Articles about healthCellulitis - very widespread cosmetic shortcoming which arises approximately at 80% of women sooner or later. Emergence it is connected with change of structure of a hypodermic fatty layer. At the same time on the surface of skin at first there are roughnesses (cambers and cavities), and then small consolidations, the so-called effect of an orange-peel is shown. Changes in a condition of hypodermic cellulose are a consequence of a hormonal imbalance in an organism....
Section: Articles about healthEach woman has preferences in the field of use of those goods which help us to look good, feel young and effective. Besides: selection process of favourite perfume, shampoo or decorative cosmetics already lightens the mood and serves as a peculiar stress medicine. Happens very offensively when the acquired perfumery and cosmetic products not only do not meet our expectations, but also becomes the reason of problems with health. Sources неприятн...
Section: Articles about healthSubfebrile temperature call fervescence to 38 degrees, and subfebrile condition - existence of such temperature from above...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, at the address to doctors seven of each ten patients complain of a headache. Actually it is much more people who are periodically feeling unpleasant feelings such. Many people, apart from a headache the reason for serious fear...
Section: Articles about healthResidents of big cities quite often have a disease which is known as the syndrome of chronic fatigue (SCF) today. This illness affects the people belonging to various social and demographic groups and living on all continents. Most of all SHU are subject women aged from 25 up to 45 years. Statistically, the number of cases fluctuates in the different countries from 10 to 37 people on 100 thousand, but specialists believe that these figures are significantly underestimated as people, страдающ...
Section: Articles about healthDeciding to get rid of an addiction, not all imagine what effects it is necessary to face. Process of refusal from ку...
Section: Articles about healthHelminthosis is one of the most widespread diseases. Statistically, any species of helminths infected every third inhabitant of the planet. Most of specialists even consider these data strongly underestimated: some uninvited "cohabitants" of N...
Section: Articles about healthThe kid who was recently born is surrounded with love of adult family members and their cares without which the baby cannot exist. Some parents consider that gentle attachment and caress are quite enough that the child correctly developed and was happy, but it not so. It is important to know as much as possible about specifics of care of the baby, the reasons of his behavior and possible problems. Only the "able to see" love will provide to the little man that it is necessary for him....
Section: Articles about healthPractice of use of table salt in the therapeutic purposes contains not one century. Appl are considered especially effective...
Section: Articles about healthIs told about advantage of domestic animals for development of the child much. But many parents nevertheless do not hurry to bring pets as are afraid that they can do harm to health of children. What troubles can really trap kids and how to make with...
Section: Articles about healthEnergy saving lamps are one of the most popular products of innovative technologies, and there is no wonder: they much more economic also are more long-lasting than usual filament lamps. At the same time there are fears that energy saving bulbs can become the reason of emergence of problems with health. Unfortunately, some of similar opinions have the real reasons....
Section: Articles about healthAny person who faced a disease knows that treatment costs expensive. It belongs also to consultations qualified the specialist...
Section: Articles about healthWhat will only not be thought up by persons interested to have a beautiful figure. Here the last innovation – for weight loss needs to be eaten greasy food. Let's understand whether there is at a fatty diet common sense....
Section: SlideshowFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from the menu all dishes containing fats without having at the same time a clear idea of a role of these substances in exchange processes, and of effects for health with which food restrictions of this sort are fraught. For what the human body needs fats and as their deficit in a diet is shown, we also will try to find out....
Section: Articles about health