Geophagia (Greek ge – the earth + Greek phagein – is; synonym: a htonofagiya, a zemleedstvo) – painful aspiration to eating of the soil.
Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.
Each of us faces from time to time that other people need the immediate help. We react to it on-raznomu:...
Section: Articles about healthThe modern person not always manages to find housing in the environmentally friendly region and such work which would not do harm to health. With food stuffs at first sight the situation is much better: shops are overflowed with goods which are positioned пр...
Section: Articles about healthMilk and products of its processing by right occupy one of the main places in a diet of the modern person. They contain proteins, necessary for normal life activity, fats, vitamins and microelements, and are an important part of various medical diets....
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. To wide circulation of these illnesses extremely with...
Section: Articles about healthYou are office worker, the driver, the fan of winter sports or do not think of life without bicycle? You lead a slow-moving life and you move on the city only on the car? You have no constant partner and you do not love the protected sex? Attention! You one...
Section: Articles about healthThe trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This heavy complication arising owing to a thermal injury (a burn or a frostbite), chronic pathologies of arteries or veins of the lower extremities, a diabetes mellitus, and also some defeats of connecting fabric, absorbent vessels, skin or nervous trunks. Pathology is shown in the form of not healing wound located on the internal surface of a shin, a foot sole, a heel or toes....
Section: Articles about healthSmoking not only exerts a negative impact on the state of health of the consumer of tobacco products, but is a source з...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, about it there can be no disagreements: water is necessary for a human body for normal life activity, and about how and when it should be drunk, all know. It turned out that the situation is not absolutely so: for many years occur ве...
Section: Articles about healthThe dietology, as well as other sciences, does not stand still. Food stuffs are exposed to comprehensive study, and scientists obtain new information on their properties and influence on a human body. Unfortunately, this reasonable and natural process gives unpleasant side effect from time to time: some types of food periodically declare "harmful" or even "deadly" without the bases, sufficient on that....
Section: Articles about healthThe main role in development of a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum the bacterium Helikobakter plays pilor. Activity and Wuxi...
Section: Articles about healthMusicotherapy – a treatment method which caused and causes a set of a controversy concerning its efficiency. However the facts are relentless: during the numerous researches curative impact of music on an organism was scientifically confirmed. Since then in a number of the countries a method...
Section: Articles about healthThere comes the season of issues. Many Russians already dream of outdoor recreation, trips, beautiful seaside beaches. At this time there is no wish to think of problems with health and other unpleasant things, however there are subjects which require attention. In the summer repeatedly the risk increases to ache with some very dangerous illnesses, we also will talk about them today....
Section: Articles about healthOn the head of the person about one million hair follicles, or as they are called still, hair bulbs are located. At the moment he is born...
Section: Articles about healthThe winter swimming in open reservoirs called in our country by "winter swimming" – officially recognized sport and one of the most extreme ways of a hardening of an organism. This occupation has an old story and adherents in many countries. Are annually carried out...
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that our country is one of the most "drinking" in the world. At clear understanding that the use of hard alcoholic drinks – occupation extremely harmful, most of Russians belong to alcoholism with unjustified loyalty. Apparently, existence of a set of myths in which tendency to excessive libations looks nearly positively is explained by it. It is worth getting acquainted with the most widespread of similar delusions and to be convinced in them not...
Section: Articles about healthEyes – unique body on the structure thanks to which the person obtains about 80% of information on the world around: about a form...
Section: Articles about healthKidneys perform the most important function of clarification of blood from those products of metabolic processes which cannot be used by an organism for obtaining energy and construction of new cells. With the urine produced by kidneys from a body of the person bulk is removed...
Section: Articles about healthThe stroke is one of the most widespread diseases of the person, annually in the world about 6 million cases of this pathology are registered. According to medical statistics, strokes occur almost three times more often than myocardial infarctions. The disease belongs to heavy, and has an unfavourable result: the lethality reaches 40% among women and 25% among men. A considerable part of the patients who endured a stroke cannot be recovered completely. We suggest readers to examine...
Section: Articles about healthZone hypostases under eyes - very widespread problem giving to people is a lot of inconvenience. Hypodermic fabric in these parts having...
Section: Articles about healthThe summer of this year in Russia was very ambiguous. Regions suffered from a merciless heat, from pouring rains, the hail from time to time dropped out, then there was again a heat which alternated with rainfall again. Many people suffer from such sharp changes of weather...
Section: Articles about healthPhobia – the persuasive fear of a certain contents shown in a specific situation against the will of the person. Concepts of a phobia and fear are similar, however if the fear is natural protective function of mentality, then the phobia is its deviation. So the person can feel the unaccountable, baseless fear accompanied with neurotic symptoms (perspiration, a shiver, a fever) before any ordinary phenomenon – for example, a trip by the subway or a simple dog....
Section: Articles about healthAll of us, unfortunately, should face flu nearly an every year. It would seem, so frequent disease has to be study...
Section: Articles about healthAn eye of the person daily experiences considerable strain. The problem of preservation of sight is for many years directly connected with a question of supply of tissues of eye enough oxygen and nutrients. This task is carried out by small vessels – capillaries. For holes...
Section: Articles about healthAny of us is not insured from a heavy illness of the loved one. Happens and so that someone from family members becomes the bed patient, and remains in such state for a long time. It extremely suppresses both the most injured, and all its house which life considerably changes....
Section: Articles about healthIt is known that the person for 80% consists of water which participates in all processes of an organism. The person loses liquid daily – in...
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of improvement of a condition of the patients at administration of drugs who are not containing active agents, so-called effect of placebo is known long ago. At the end of the 18th century the American doctor Perkins began to treat people the "miracle" sticks made of a spl...
Section: Articles about healthEach person knows that fervescence is an illness sign. However too low temperature (hypothermia), especially also can demonstrate existence of diseases when it is observed long enough. Such state is dangerous that it, unlike fever, does not give a serious inconvenience: patients usually complain only of weakness, drowsiness, apathy. Sometimes the fever and a cryesthesia in extremities joins. Many people at similar symptoms...
Section: Articles about health