Geosystem (Greek ge – Earth + systzma – whole; synonym: a natural complex) – any territorial division of the environment (by the principles of allocation and a rank) which is uniform system which includes the site of crust, with characteristic to it a relief, and also an underground and surface water, soils, a prizemny layer of the atmosphere, with the microorganisms inhabiting them, plants and animals.
At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.
Residents of big cities quite often have a disease which is known as the syndrome of chronic fatigue (SCF) today. This illness...
Section: Articles about healthProofs of efficiency of Mildronate at treatment of coronary heart disease with stenocardia can be found in many publications of the end of the twentieth century. Researches were conducted since 1984, including placebo - controlled effects. In total клиничес...
Section: Articles about healthEach woman has preferences in the field of use of those goods which help us to look good, feel young and effective. Besides: selection process of favourite perfume, shampoo or decorative cosmetics already lightens the mood and serves as a peculiar stress medicine. Happens very offensively when the acquired perfumery and cosmetic products not only do not meet our expectations, but also becomes the reason of problems with health. Sources неприятн...
Section: Articles about healthAbout influence of fasting days on an organism it is told much – both about advantages, and about shortcomings. It is considered that fasting day...
Section: Articles about healthSugar - the digestible refined product which is not of special value for an organism of the modern person. The use of sugar in food is based rather on the psychological dependence caused by desire to indulge itself with something tasty, and in дальнейш...
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern woman is very difficult. Opportunities to realize itself are wide: it not only education and career, but also the most various hobbies from sport before needlework. It is not less important to build private life, paying an attention maximum to children, the husband, parents, friends. For all these affairs there is catastrophically not enough time therefore each of us tries to cut down as far as possible its expenses on necessary, but not the most fascinating housework. With it we are successfully helped by means...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on chemical composition of biological liquids of an organism. Specialists consider that з...
Section: Articles about healthBees – really unique beings. Practically all products of their life activity are used by the person. Since the most ancient times medicinal properties of honey and other substances received in the course of beekeeping are known. The fact that all these пр is especially significant...
Section: Articles about healthPhysical activity is necessary for normal functioning of a human body. At a lack of the movement joints cease to function, muscles atrophy, cardiovascular activity is broken and the metabolism worsens. The modern city rhythm of life does not provide the person with an adequate exercise stress, additional - sport is necessary. Tedious tasks the huge number of the people having those or ин exists sport not all to liking, but also...
Section: Articles about healthFor the time being the perspective of heart diseases seems to most of people remote and foggy. But sooner or later практичес...
Section: Articles about healthStability of a hormonal background is one of the most important conditions of preservation of health of the woman. At the same time endocrine system – the thin device extremely sensitive to any external influences. Changes of an image жиз can become the reason of hormonal failure...
Section: Articles about healthDogrose – one of the most widespread adornment and medicinal plants growing practically in all territory of our country. To most of Russians it is a beautiful bush it is known, first of all, as a source of fruits, extremely vitamin-rich. However curative properties of a dogrose are not limited to it at all. About how still it is possible to use a plant in the medical purposes, we will tell today....
Section: Articles about healthNot everyone can brag of the shining Hollywood smile. Even at the person who is regularly visiting the stomatologist and watching з...
Section: Articles about healthEach person supports all life a SARS about 200 times. The peak of incidence falls on cold season, but it is possible to get sick with a temperature and a pharyngalgia, and sometimes and very possibly, even during a heat. The reasons for development of catarrhal diseases exists множество:...
Section: Articles about healthDeciding to get rid of an addiction, not all imagine what effects it is necessary to face. Process of refusal of smoking causes quite essential discomfort in most of people: differences of mood, a sleep disorder, fatigue, decrease in physical and intellectual activity and a number of other symptoms reducing quality of life. Abstinence can be strong: an essential part of attempts comes to an end leaving off smoking failure, and people are returned to the use of cigars...
Section: Articles about healthCellulitis - very widespread cosmetic shortcoming which arises approximately at 80% of women sooner or later. Emergence ег...
Section: Articles about healthMany of us, probably, noticed more than once that from intellectual loadings at some point the brain as though "overheats" and "assimilation" of information is strongly slowed down. Especially this problem urgent for persons of age becomes more senior than fifty years. "It is already bad with...
Section: Articles about healthStriya (extension) are the defects of skin having an appearance of direct or wavy strips from 1 to 10 cm long and 1-5 mm wide. In most cases at women of a striya are located on a stomach, hips, a breast or buttocks. At athletes they can appear on shoulders and the internal surface of forearms. At initial stages of development of an extension have red or lilac color, but over time their coloring turns pale, and strips become whitish, getting a nacreous shade....
Section: Articles about healthPartial and the more so full loss of hearing significantly reduces quality of life. Difficulties with communication lead to loneliness and замкн...
Section: Articles about healthDiseases of joints often begin imperceptibly for the person. The first stages of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue providing soft and free sliding of heads of bones in joint bags proceed slowly and absolutely without serious consequences. Especially unpleasantly for that this пр...
Section: Articles about healthThe mankind knows that some toxins at intake in the minimum quantities have therapeutic effect from an extreme antiquity. Many substances recognized poisonous are applied in the medical purposes also today, being the main operating components of the medicines which are officially produced by pharmaceutical industry. Let's tell only about the most known of them....
Section: Articles about healthBeauty shop – the place which is associated only with positive emotions: joy, pleasure, relaxation. One...
Section: Articles about healthPeople know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one of the most ancient methods of disposal of the most different diseases. Bathtubs, souls, wrappings and inhalations, in combination with reception of water vnut...
Section: Articles about healthAt this plant there are a lot of names: tuberiferous sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, solar root, earth pear. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exotic plant at all. The wild girasol grows in a midland of Russia practically everywhere: at the edges of roads, to slopes of ravines, on heathlands. Also several cultural versions different from wild plants are removed by larger and juicy root crops....
Section: Articles about healthSeveral decades ago the basil (the district khan, реан, Reagan) was considered as a part of the Caucasian or east cuisine, but today it is strong for...
Section: Articles about healthSo, you resolved to lose weight. And now you try to understand what to begin with: from exercise stresses or a diet? And how to make that process of weight loss did not give you an inconvenience, and, on the contrary, brought joy?...
Section: Slideshow