Gepatikolez (hepaticolosis, Hepaticola hepatica + Greek - Usis (словообраз. a suffix) – a disease) – the helminthosis entering into group of nematodoses, excited by Hepaticola hepatica, differing in the accompanying hepatitis with various complications; it is observed at the person seldom.
Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.
Run - one of the most available and effective ways to revitalize the organism. Knowing about its extraordinary advantage, each of us though...
Section: Articles about healthTick-borne encephalitis – one of the most dangerous viral diseases which causative agents transfer and is given to people by ixodic mites. These are the small blood-sicking insects living in the considerable territory of our country. The person bitten by a tick can catch...
Section: Articles about healthMaternal milk is the best food for the newborn. It is the unique natural product containing an optimum set of nutrients, and which is best adapted in order that the baby normally developed and it was protected from harmful factors of external environment, unusual for it. Unfortunately, breastfeeding process not always does without complications. Sometimes, that the kid begins to bite a breast, giving to mother an essential inconvenience. Some women...
Section: Articles about healthHelminthosis is one of the most widespread diseases. Statistically, with any species of helminths it is infected porridges...
Section: Articles about healthContrary to popular belief, the multiple sclerosis (MS) is not connected neither with sclerous changes of walls of vessels, nor with age forgetfulness and problems with concentration of attention. This disease has the autoimmune nature. Pathological process of a vyrazh...
Section: Articles about healthAny person who faced a disease knows that treatment costs expensive. It belongs also to consultations of qualified specialists, and to the diagnostic procedures which are not included in the list of obligatory medical services. The question of cost of medicines is not so unambiguous: almost each drug is produced several producers at once, and the price of medicine can differ many times. In such situation there is a sense to understand in what differ from each other original environments...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, at the address to doctors seven of each ten patients complain of a headache. Actually people, periodically...
Section: Articles about healthThe brain of the person is studied not one hundred years, but the quantity of the riddles connected with this body increases rather, than decreases. Perhaps, numerous delusions concerning a structure and functioning of a brain, many are explained by it from...
Section: Articles about healthSmoking not only exerts a negative impact on the state of health of the consumer of tobacco products, but is an air polluter the substances potentially dangerous to people around. In recent years significantly the number of the people aiming to get rid of an addiction increased. Business this difficult: having left off smoking, the person immediately begins to suffer from abstinence. Besides, many yesterday's smokers feel at first great disappointment as улучш...
Section: Articles about healthWhat is in our understanding weeds? It plants which are considered to be suitable only for compost pits and feeding жи...
Section: Articles about healthThe kid who was recently born is surrounded with love of adult family members and their cares without which the baby cannot exist. Some parents consider that gentle attachment and caress are quite enough that the child correctly developed and was happy...
Section: Articles about healthPractice of use of table salt in the therapeutic purposes contains not one century. Applications which do by means of the fabric impregnated with saline solution are considered especially effective. They have antibacterial and antiinflammatory effect, help to heal wounds, exempt fabrics from excess liquid. Hypertonic salt solution of potassium chloride is applied outwardly at many morbid conditions. Let's tell about the most known of them....
Section: Articles about healthTea is loved and use almost everything. This drink has tonic properties, contains the tannins capable podavlit...
Section: Articles about healthThe problem of diagnosis was and remains to one of the most important in medicine. From that, the reason of an indisposition of the patient will be how precisely defined, eventually success of treatment depends. In spite of the fact that the majority of the diagnostic methods applied in about...
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern woman is very difficult. Opportunities to realize itself are wide: it not only education and career, but also the most various hobbies from sport before needlework. It is not less important to build private life, paying an attention maximum to children, the husband, parents, friends. For all these affairs there is catastrophically not enough time therefore each of us tries to cut down as far as possible its expenses on necessary, but not the most fascinating housework. With it we are successfully helped by means...
Section: Articles about healthNo, probably, the person who would not have cold. Cold, cough, a headache – these symptoms are known to everyone. Peak to Prost...
Section: Articles about healthWe live during an advertizing era. Daily each person receives a solid portion of persuasive councils about what to eat to be healthy and successful. Products about which we will talk today are combined by the following circumstance: all of them are positioned as most...
Section: Articles about healthWhite teeth and the Hollywood smile – a dream of many people. Long time was considered that the plaque on teeth and change of their color – destiny of those who incorrectly eat smokes and badly brushes teeth. But the paradox is available: at everything the variety of toothpastes, brushes existing today for toothbrushing and conditioners for a mouth the number of the people hesitating of a plaque on teeth does not decrease. Moreover, the plaque is formed even at small children who definitely do not smoke and have no coffee. So in what business, and опас...
Section: Articles about healthEpilepsy is one of widespread neurologic diseases. To parents, whose children suffer from this illness, it is necessary...
Section: Articles about healthAmong a set of the perfumery and cosmetic goods which are released today the special group is made by the means containing antibacterial components. Such types of gels, shampoos, soaps, creams, lotions and other products are positioned by manufacturers as a panacea...
Section: Articles about healthFor the help to doctors in the choice of optimal solutions for treatment of various diseases the Cochrane scientific organization (Cochrane) conducts joint researches with representatives of scientific community around the world. The analysis of a series of the conducted researches of the drug Oscillococcinum® relating to group of cold remedies became one of the last methanolyses....
Section: Articles about healthThe chia plant, or the Spanish sage, is from South America. The indigenous people of the continent since ancient times used in food it семена:...
Section: Articles about healthIodine - one of thirty most important microelements in our organism. The main role of iodine consists in synthesis of thyroid hormones of a thyroid gland - the substances which are responsible for the majority of exchange processes of an organism. It is known that thyroid hormones consist...
Section: Articles about healthToday about 30 diseases, sexually transmitted are known. Wide circulation of these illnesses is extremely promoted by the dual attitude towards them: on the one hand, most of people know about "shameful" diseases very little and do not aim at receiving detailed and reliable information, considering that such problems personally will never concern them. With another – there are delusions about STD which instill unreasonable confidence that troubles such...
Section: Articles about healthWork of a brain is extremely complex and in many respects is not studied yet. It is confirmed also by the features of thought processes which are shown in...
Section: Articles about healthYou are office worker, the driver, the fan of winter sports or do not think of life without bicycle? You lead a slow-moving life and you move on the city only on the car? You have no constant partner and you do not love the protected sex? Attention! You one...
Section: Articles about health