Hepatotomy (hepatotomia; Greek hzpar, hzpatos – a liver + Greek tome – a section, a section) – surgery on a liver section (for example, for removal from intra hepatic bilious channels of concrements).
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
Extracorporal fertilization – one of the most modern methods of controlling with infertility. So far it already helped znach...
Section: Articles about healthThe hysteromyoma is diagnosed more than at a third of women 35 years are more senior. This high-quality new growth which at early stages successfully resolves by means of medicines. It is necessary to resort to an operative measure only in those a case...
Section: Articles about healthIt is difficult to revaluate importance of kidneys for an organism. These bodies not only perform work on purification of blood of decomposition products and removal of excess liquid. They are responsible also for production of some hormones necessary for maintenance of a normality of a bone tissue, and also for a producing red blood cells – erythrocytes....
Section: Articles about healthAll got used long ago that, having addressed the plastic surgeon, it is possible to modify natural parameters of a figure or to reduce...
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of the panic attack is known long ago, but the reasons of its emergence still are up to the end not found out. It is established that more than 30% of people at least once in life become the victims of very unpleasant phenomenon: without everyones on that the reasons they have a feeling of horror, with...
Section: Articles about healthWomen quite often suffer from complexes concerning the sizes of the bust. Strangely enough, not too modest, and excessively curvy shapes become the reason of sincere discomfort sometimes. Except psychological problems, the big bust sometimes creates also quite notable malfunctions with health: his owner can feel muscular dorsodynias, feeling of constant fatigue and difficulty of breath. Over time excess loading leads to development of diseases позвоночн...
Section: Articles about healthEKO, or extracorporal fertilization - a method of treatment of infertility which became the reason of a set broken mines in due time...
Section: Articles about healthAbility of an organism to resist to adverse environmental factors (to impact of temperature drops, humidity and pressure, to the attacks of causative organisms, etc.) directly depends on what the person eats. Business here not only in, that C...
Section: Articles about healthScientists have no unambiguous opinion on a proximate cause of emergence of a carcinoma cutaneum today. Only the factors promoting development of this illness are precisely established. Treat them: long impact on skin of ultraviolet rays, radiation exposure, thermal injuries, injuries of skin by aggressive chemicals (pitches, acids, alkalis, etc.), genetic predisposition (existence of malignant new growths of skin in the family anamnesis), at...
Section: Articles about healthAlmost each of us during life faced dissatisfaction with own body. At such moments, as a rule, we beginning...
Section: Articles about healthThe mankind knows that some toxins at intake in the minimum quantities have therapeutic effect from an extreme antiquity. Many substances recognized poisonous are applied in the medical purposes also today, being the main deystvuyushch...
Section: Articles about healthVenereal diseases in medicine are called the infections which are transmitted preferential sexually, now they and are called - infections, sexually transmitted, or STD. Among them is also life-threatening. In spite of the fact that the majority of diseases such will respond to treatment, they are widespread everywhere, and there is no tendency to decrease in incidence. Besides, some of them promptly look younger: statistically, a third of young people at the age of 16-22 years of a str...
Section: Articles about healthZone hypostases under eyes - very widespread problem giving to people is a lot of inconvenience. Hypodermic fabric in these parts having...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person depends on many factors. One of the most important is the constant, but not exhausting a physical activity. In the presence of various illnesses specialists often advise patients to do swimming which by right borrows ведущ...
Section: Articles about healthFor residents of the countries of Southeast Asia various algas are an obligatory component of a daily diet. Their popularity is connected not only with high tastes, but also with numerous curative properties. Russians are a little familiar with products such that is distressing: algas are so useful that they should be eaten as often as possible. Let's get acquainted closer with useful properties of this seafood....
Section: Articles about healthThere is an opinion that at low temperatures safety of products is ensured longer and better thanks to what the refrigerator considers...
Section: Articles about healthWood louse – the ordinary-looking unpretentious plant extended in all territory of our country. It quickly expands, and sometimes fills sites, bringing a lot of chagrin to gardeners. Perhaps, they would be upset less if knew that the wood louse is the prices...
Section: Articles about healthTurnip, radish, horse-radish – once these and other products enjoyed wide popularity at our ancestors, being not only the food sating an organism but also the medicines curing of many diseases. Unfortunately, the use of some of them got out of fashion long ago, and once favourite plants and vegetables almost ceased to make a contribution to human health. Inclusion of such products in a modern diet − an effective measure of prevention and treatment of diseases which seldom suffered...
Section: Articles about healthHemorrhoids – extremely widespread disease. Periodically arising inflammations and bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodes пр...
Section: Articles about healthOn health of the person physicians know about salutary action of animals long ago. About 7 thousand years ago great Hippocrates recommended to the patients riding walks for strengthening of a nervous system and increase in vitality....
Section: Articles about healthWhat will only not be thought up by persons interested to have a beautiful figure. Here the last innovation – for weight loss needs to be eaten greasy food. Let's understand whether there is at a fatty diet common sense....
Section: SlideshowThe modern person not always manages to find housing in the environmentally friendly region and such work which would not do harm здо...
Section: Articles about healthEyes – unique body on the structure thanks to which the person obtains about 80% of information on the world around: about a form, color, size, the movement, and also many other parameters of objects or phenomena. But whether much we know about the most valuable body...
Section: Articles about healthPeople know that thermal sources have salutary force long ago. Treatment by natural waters is one of the most ancient methods of disposal of the most different diseases. Bathtubs, souls, wrappings and inhalations, in combination with water reception inside help to improve a condition of the patients suffering from disturbances of work of a musculoskeletal system, bodies of digestive tract, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and secretory system, skin and endocrine п...
Section: Articles about healthSubfebrile temperature call fervescence to 38 degrees, and subfebrile condition - existence of such temperature from above...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, to buy drugs in Moscow does not make a problem – a drugstore, and not one, is available for each resident of the capital within walking distance. And, nevertheless, Internet drugstores become more popular – what it is possible to explain such phenomenon with? Actually m reasons...
Section: Articles about healthScientists always aimed to offer fundamental explanations for medical problems. Their theories formed the basis of modern methods of treatment of the hardest pathologies and helped to save a set of lives. However stories are known also such theoretical constructions, following to which brought to mankind of a trouble and torture, ruined destinies and health of many people....
Section: Articles about health