Main > Drugs> Ptarmigan-berry


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 46 rub.

Цветы толокнянкиThe ptarmigan-berry represents a bush with bright red spherical fruits. Other known names of a plant – bear berry, a stone fruit, a muchnik, bear ears, a tolokonka.

Useful properties of a bearberry

For treatment use bearberry leaves which cut off for preparation together with branches when the bush blossoms – from May to July.

It is better to dry leaves under natural conditions, on air, but under a canopy or on an attic. Having laid branches with leaves a thin layer, they are periodically overturned and after dry, peeled and thrown out together with the turned black leaves. If there is no opportunity to prepare raw materials on air, it is possible to apply artificial drying – to dry up branches in an oven or the dryer at 50 degrees.

Bearberry leaves generally are appreciated the tannins which are contained in them and the hydrochinone having antimicrobic activity.

Infusions and broths from a bearberry possess the antiinflammatory, diuretic, knitting, bactericidal action.

Use of a bearberry

Толокнянка обыкновеннаяThe ptarmigan-berry helps at gout, diseases of kidneys, urinary channels, a GIT.

Powder from leaves of a bearberry is accepted at gastritis, heartburn, broth from them helps to remove puffiness, to stop uterine bleedings, it is drunk at heart failure, tuberculosis.

At diathesis, the festered wounds washings and bathtubs with bearberry broth help.

So prepare broth from bearberry leaves: one tablespoon of leaves is filled in by 200 ml of boiled hot water, half an hour more is heated, after 10 minutes insist, filter, wring out leaves, add boiled water up to the volume of 200 ml. Accept broth 3-5r/den on a spoon table after food (in 40 min.). For children such broth is prepared from calculation a teaspoon of leaves on 200 ml of boiled water, but the observing pediatrician has to define a dosage, having estimated disease severity, weight and age of the child.

Tincture on leaves is applied at alcoholism, sleeplessness, diseases of a nervous system, at malignant tumors.

In spite of the fact that the main medicinal raw materials are plant leaves, for treatment of heart troubles, conjunctivitis, a blepharitis, it is possible to apply bearberry flowers.

The ptarmigan-berry at cystitis helps, from it prepare such infusion: two teaspoons of leaves fill in 250 ml of water, 24 h insist, filter. Drink infusion on 200 ml 3r/put, previously heating.

At cystitis the ptarmigan-berry is applied also as a part of collecting: mix 20 g of its leaves from 5 g of parsley, 20 g of a herniary and 5 g of a celandine. Mix of herbs is filled in by 250 ml of boiled water, hour draw. It is necessary to drink the mixed collecting with a ptarmigan-berry at cystitis three р / day on 50-70ml.

At sleeplessness collecting from a bearberry, a root of a glycyrrhiza, corn a rylets, birch leaves helps. All these components take in equal quantities. At a zavarivaniye of soothing tea 20 parts of boiled water are the share of one part of collecting. Drink its three р / day on 70 ml before food. This collecting possesses also diuretic and antiseptic action.

The crushed bearberry berries cooked on milk – good cure for gastritis and diarrhea, especially for children.

Use of a bearberry in gynecology is possible – the broths prepared from leaves use for syringing at белях, treatments of venereal diseases, reductions of a myometrium.

In spite of the fact that often appoint a ptarmigan-berry at pregnancy, it is not recommended to accept it in this state as diuretic or for treatment of cystitis of means uncontrolledly nevertheless. The ptarmigan-berry at pregnancy can do much harm since causes reduction of a uterus and, respectively, can provoke an abortion. As good substitute of a bearberry at pregnancy serves Phytolysinum – the drug on a vegetable basis which is not causing undesirable side effects though it is not recommended to accept it independently also

Bearberry contraindications

Serious contraindication to use of a bearberry is self-treatment: at overdose broths cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, an aggravation of the inflammations proceeding in kidneys, urinary channels.

At acute inflammations of kidneys the collecting containing it it is impossible to accept drugs on a ptarmigan-berry and.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Ptarmigan-berry leaves pack of 50 g, Ivan Chay (г.Москва)

46 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Ptarmigan-berry leaves pack of 50 g, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

55 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Ptarmigan-berry leaves ф / pack ice 1.5g No. 20, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

59 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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