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Transvaginal ultrasonography

Схема проведения трансвагинального узиTransvaginal ultrasonography – a method of ultrasonic diagnosis at which the research of bodies of a small pelvis is conducted by the special vulval sensor. Such research is conducted at gynecologic and urological diseases, and also on early durations of gestation. Transvaginal ultrasonography allows to diagnose gynecologic and urological diseases, to diagnose pregnancy on early terms. This type of survey is more informative, than survey through an abdominal wall as in this case the sensor of the device is separated from actually bodies of a small pelvis only by a thin wall of a vagina. Transvaginal ultrasonography of bodies of a small pelvis is eurysynusic, safely, informatively and can repeatedly be carried out.

Indications to transvaginal ultrasonography

Indications to this method of inspection are a suspicion of diseases of bodies of a small pelvis, medical emergencies (for example, an extrauterine pregnancy), control of the carried-out treatment. Transvaginal ultrasonography is carried out at the following states:

  • Diagnosis of pregnancy on early terms;
  • Pains in lower parts of a stomach;
  • Diagnosis of the reasons of infertility and observation of the follicular device of ovaries;
  • Disturbances of a menstrual cycle (a delay of periods, bleeding in the middle of a cycle), pathological allocations from a genital tract;
  • Detection of inflammatory gynecologic diseases;
  • Diagnosis of new growths of a small pelvis, including hysteromyoma, endometriosis, cysts of ovaries, etc.;
  • Reception of hormonal drugs, existence of intrauterine contraceptives (spiral) for control of a condition of an endometria and prevention of complications;
  • Early durations of gestation, when traditional transabdominal access (through an abdominal wall) малоинформативен;
  • Support of the EKO procedure (extracorporal fertilization);
  • Installation of the reasons of urological diseases, frustration of an urination, incontience of urine and at pathology of an urethra (urethra).

Transvaginal ultrasonography of bodies of a small pelvis is ideal option at women with obesity as an ordinary research through an abdominal wall at them maloinformativno.


Absolute contraindications to transvaginal ultrasonography do not exist. At virgins survey through a rectum is possible (transrektalno). Transvaginal ultrasonography at pregnancy is justified only on early terms (up to 11-12 weeks).

Preparation for transvaginal ultrasonography

For transvaginal ultrasonography of a uterus and appendages special preparation (filling of a bladder) is not required. At visit of an office of ultrasonography you will need a towel or a diaper on which you will lay down when carrying out a research.

Трансвагинальное узи органов малого тазаIf tranvaginalny ultrasonography at pregnancy is carried out, then the bladder of the patient has to be moderately filled (to drink about 500 ml of liquid for an hour prior to a research).

Indispensable condition for ultrasonography of bodies of a small pelvis transvaginalno is lack of gas in intestines. For this purpose in 2-3 days prior to a research it is necessary to limit the products causing the increased gas generation (vegetables, fruit, bread, fermented milk products, confectionery) and also reception of some medicines reducing gas generation in intestines is recommended – enzistat, absorbent carbon. It is not recommended to carry out cleansing enemas before a research. It is not obligatory to carry out transvaginal ultrasonography of a uterus and appendages on an empty stomach.

In case of emergency transvaginal ultrasonography can be executed also without preparation, however its informational content can be reduced.

Ultrasonic examination of gynecologic bodies is recommended to be conducted in the first half of a menstrual cycle (usually for 5-7 day) as in the second half its endometria of a uterus is in a secretory phase that can result in the wrong interpretation of results. However at endometriosis performance of transvaginal ultrasonography of a uterus in the second phase of a cycle is recommended. To estimate a folliculogenesis (education and development of follicles of ovaries) a research it is necessary to conduct on 5. 9, 11-14 and 15 days of a menstrual cycle.

Carrying out technique

The patient lays down on a couch, the head to the device ultrasonography. The doctor dresses condom on the vaginal sensor, greases it with gel and enters into a vagina. The research is absolute without serious consequences, an exception make only acute fortune at inflammatory processes. During the research the doctor can press on area of a stomach for the best location of bodies. Time of performing transvaginal ultrasonography of bodies of a small pelvis usually 15-20 minutes.

Complications of transvaginal ultrasonography

At the correct implementation of the procedure of transvaginal ultrasonography of complications does not happen.

This inspection is recommended to performance even at healthy women in the preventive purposes, aged up to 40 years it needs to be done at least 1 time in 2 years, and after 40 years annually.

Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.