The Far East trepang is a marine ground backboneless animal who treats type of erinaceouses. Other widespread names of a trepang – a sea cucumber or a sea ginseng. In appearance the trepang is similar to a huge worm, in length it can reach 40 cm, in width – 10 cm. Trepangs live in the East Chinese, Yellow, Okhotsk seas.
Appreciate a trepang that his meat contains various useful microelements: manganese, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, B1, B2, B12 vitamins, fats, proteins, phosphatides, unsaturated fatty acids.
Unique property of a trepang – never found causative agents of infections in it. Moreover, water around a habital of an animal also pure – a trepang purifies water, killing bacteria. It also is its main role in a biological chain.
Curative properties of a trepang are known to medicine long ago, in ancient China used a sea ginseng for preparation of medicine with the rejuvenating effect.
Presently from a fresh trepang prepare the extract possessing the immunostimulating, antibacterial, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, regenerating, antifungal action. Train her in industrial and house conditions.
The extract from a sea cucumber is applied to treatment:
It is noticed also that extract of a trepang helps with prevention and treatment of cancer diseases.
For half an hour to food on a teaspoon 2 times a day in most cases recommend to drink a ready extract. The instruction to drug contains the recommendation to observe the specified biorhythms of internals.
The extract which prepares in industrial conditions can be used and outwardly. Extract at acne rash, fungal infections of nails helps and skin, existence of purulent wounds. In cosmetology the extract is applied to rejuvenation of skin.
It is possible to use an extract for processing of an oral cavity at diseases of a parodont or after operations: part means with clear water 1:10, 1-3 times a day rinse a mouth. It is possible to do applications: the tampons from cotton wool moistened with solution impose on gingivas for 15-20 minutes.
For processing of the infected and purulent wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, mastitis, furuncles, an anthrax also use a divorced 1:10 extract of a trepang. Before processing the wound needs to be washed out then to impose on it the sterile napkin moistened with solution from a trepang.
At treatment of an ichthyosis, lupus erythematosus, acne rash in a severe form, a hypothermia, pruritic dermatitis, shingles, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatonekrotichesky wounds and when processing decubituses use the compresses from bandage moistened with such mixes:
If there is no effect and allergic reactions, it is possible to moisten bandage with an undiluted extract.
It is recommended to take along with topical treatment endurance inside – for half an hour before meal on a teaspoon 2 times a day.
At diseases of a nasopharynx and nasal bosoms in a chronic stage of a divorced 1:10 extract dig in a nose – on 2-3 drops in each nostril. At the same time it is necessary to spray solution mucous drinks.
The extract of a trepang is not recommended to be applied to persons with individual intolerance of means, to children up to 15 years, to pregnant women and the feeding women.
Treatment by an extract of a sea cucumber is not recommended to be combined with the drugs reducing pressure.
Such property of a trepang as the lowering of arterial pressure which is shown at the regular use of dishes from a sea ginseng should be considered to hypotensives.
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