Main > Drugs> Urosulfanum


Urosulfanum concerns to group of sulfanamide drugs. Формула УросульфанаActive ingredient – Sulfacarbamidum. Drug has antimicrobic effect on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Especially high activity Urosulfanum against colibacillus and stafilokokk has. This drug has bacteriostatic action, blocking assimilation by microorganisms of paraaminobenzoic acid, breaking processes of synthesis of the folic acid necessary for formation of purine and pirimidinovy connections. As a result growth and development of a bacterial cell stops, and instead of PABK the cell of a microorganism takes sulfanamide drug.

Urosulfanum is quickly soaked up in a GIT, in a blood plasma rather high concentration of medicine is created. Drug is removed from an organism preferential by kidneys. High concentration of Urosulfanum in urine renders antibacterial effect on the microorganisms causing infections of urinary tract. Adjournment of drug in uric ways does not happen.

Indications to use of Urosulfanum

In the instruction to Urosulfanum it is specified that this drug is used at purulent infectious diseases of an urinary system:

  • cystitis (bladder inflammation);
  • pyelitis (inflammatory process in a renal pelvis);
  • tsistopiyelit (an inflammation combination in a renal pelvis and a bladder);
  • pyelonephritis (kidney parenchyma inflammation);
  • the infected hydronephrosis.

Contraindications to use of Urosulfanum

According to the instruction, Urosulfanum is contraindicated at individual intolerance of components of drug, blood diseases.

Route of administration, Urosulfanum dosage

Drug is appointed orally. Before purpose of Urosulfanum it is desirable to define sensitivity of the microorganisms which caused this pathology to this medicine. The one-time dosage makes from 0,5 to 1 g. Frequency rate of reception – three-five times a day. The course of treatment usually makes 6-14 days. The maximum daily dosage for children – 2,5g, for adult patients – 7 g.

Urosulfanum dosage at specific pathology, and also therapy duration by this drug is determined by the doctor.Лекарственная форма Уросульфана - таблетки

Side effect

The drug Urosulfanum is quite well transferred. Seldom such side effects as a headache, nausea, a leukopenia, allergic reactions of skin type are registered.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to appoint Urosulfanum along with anaesthesin, novocaine, drugs containing folic acid as there is a decrease in therapeutic effect. Joint reception of Urosulfanum with Butadionum, levomycetinum, Butamidum, bukarbany, anticoagulants, cytostatics, immunodepressants can lead to strengthening of side effects. Urosulfanum also strengthens effect of hypoglycemic and anticonvulsant drugs.

Use of Urosulfanum at pregnancy

It is necessary to use with extra care this drug at pregnancy. In the period of a lactation in need of use of Urosulfanum it is necessary to stop natural feeding for a while.

Release form

Urosulfanum is issued in the tableted form. Contains in one tablet 0,5g active ingredient. In packaging of 12 tablets.

Urosulfanum analogs

Analogs of this drug are Euvernil, Uramidum, Sulfonylurea.

Before use of this medicine it is necessary to study in detail the instruction to Urosulfanum. Use of drug is possible only on doctor's orders.

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