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Oyster sauce

Oyster sauce is an invention of Chinese cuisine, very popular in China and already around the world a product.

In the original Устричный соус – изобретение китайской кухниrecipe of oyster sauce it is told that it is necessary to train him from oyster meat, but considering high cost of raw materials, everywhere began to cook oyster extract sauce, received from the pressed oysters.

Preparation for sauce – tinned extract, is on sale today in shops therefore will be able to make exotic sauce, knowing the recipe, any hostess at home.

As cook oyster sauce

To cook sauce, having near at hand extract, quite simply. Except preparation corn or potato starch, the caramelized sugar, and a sodium glutamate – known and the frightening amplifier of taste of many who, nevertheless, is eurysynusic in China will be necessary. At desire, this component can be lowered or if there is an opportunity, to use a glutamate of a natural origin which is much more expensive than the flavoring amplifier of an artificial origin and therefore it is not so popular.

To make oyster sauce, on a frying pan all components stated above mix up, a little water is added and all this keeps on fire – is evaporated. The purpose – to achieve a ropish consistence, as at jam. As soon as sauce thickens, it is removed from a plate, cooled.

After preparation dense sauce of dark brown, almost black color with expressed oyster has to turn out (not fish!) taste.

Sauce is stored in the refrigerator, but not long.

In what advantage of sauce from oyster extract?

Thanks to initial raw materials which are used for preparation of sauce it contains proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, sugar, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, iron, copper.

Chinese love oyster sauce for the fact that it at the constant use promotes increase in working capacity, improvement of the general state.

Right after the use of sauce energy inflow is felt – it "affects" effect of glucose.

Caloric content of 100 grams of sauce – 120 calories what it is necessary to remember that who adheres to a low-calorie diet.

Use of oyster sauce

Contrary to expectations, oyster sauce is preferred to be served not to fish dishes or seafood, and to meat. It is considered that best of all sauce emphasizes taste of pork, beef. As a last resort, of course, it is possible to fill with oyster sauce fish or chicken meat, a tax of shrimps with it.

In the homeland of Консистенция устричного соусаsauce it is eaten even just with rice which thanks to gas station turns out juicy and fragrant. In general in China oyster sauce as well as soy, use often, instead of salt.

Use of oyster sauce in cookery always assumes its thermal treatment. Also it is connected with the fact that its taste is so best of all shown though, many vitamins, of course, are lost. To reduce loss of valuable nutrients, sauce is added already at the end when the dish is almost ready.

Let's provide the recipe of pork with oyster sauce here. 300 grams of meat, 1 peach a nectarine, 2 circles of pineapple tinned, 1 tomato, a quarter of paprika will be necessary for preparation, it is better than red color, 1 bulb, 1 carrots. It is a dish basis. And for sauce to it it is necessary to take 4-5 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 2-3 teaspoons of honey, 1 teeth of garlic, 0,5 teaspoons of the crushed and dried up ginger.

Gas station for pork prepares in advance – all components for sauce just mix up.

The pork which is previously cut with straws, salted and peppered is fried to readiness on olive oil, shifted to a plate. After that on the same frying pan are fried carrots with onions, pepper, tomato, after a while – the cut pineapple and a nectarine are added to them. Vegetables and fruit mix up, fried meat, sauce is added to them. Half-minute more everything is fried.

Vegetables – carrots and onions the same as meat, are cut by straws, a peach – big segments, pineapple ringlets – too is large, on 4 parts.

As a garnish for meat boiled rice will be ideal.

To whom oyster sauce can be harmful

It is not recommended to use oyster sauce that who is ill a diabetes mellitus or obesity. It is necessary to be careful if inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases disturb.

Besides, if there is an allergy to seafood, it is undesirable to use sauce for preparation of dishes.

Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.