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Duck eggs

Duck eggs by the size are a little larger, than eggs of chicken. Their weight reaches 90 grams. Duck egg has a white shell with a greenish or bluish shade.

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Duck eggs are not eurysynusic on sale therefore most often, they can be found in profile shops or on farms where breed ducks. Duck eggs are usually contaminated therefore before preparation of dishes it is recommended to wash up previously carefully them with soap. Characteristic of egg of a duck is its short period of storage. After purchase of eggs it is the best of all to eat them as soon as possible.

Many people have a question: whether eat duck eggs? Eat, but they can appear not all to taste. Duck egg has a specific strong smell and taste, and also a special elastic consistence. Protein of duck eggs is richer with fatty substances, than protein of egg, it also causes its viscous consistence.

Otherwise the situation is when duck egg is used as one of dish ingredients. Sometimes duck eggs are used in preparation of noodles. In particular, the yolk of egg of a duck is ideal for noodles. Industrially mayonnaise as which basis the yolk of egg of a duck is used is produced.

The interesting fact is that on Philippines duck egg is cooked with already created germ. The germ already has a plumage and a beak. The similar boiled egg is a delicacy and carries the name balt.

Advantage of duck egg

In advantage duck eggs are similar to chicken. Feature only considerably is the increased content of fats in protein of egg. This fact calls into question dietary advantage of duck eggs for the persons suffering from excess weight, but allows to recommend duck eggs as one of diet components at exhaustion and the raised energy costs.

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Important feature of duck eggs is their unfitness for the use in the raw. Crude eggs of a duck are hazardous to health as they can cause serious intestinal infections. Before the use duck eggs are recommended to be boiled within 10-12 minutes or to fry thoroughly thoroughly. To cook duck soft-boiled egg, 6-7 minutes are enough to cook of it. At the same time it is worth remembering that such way of preparation considerably increases risk of developing of intestinal infections.

Caloric content of duck egg is slightly higher, than chicken and makes 184,5 kcal on 100 grams of a product.

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